Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"Lexi baby! Where you been hiding?" he called from the driver's seat as if we were friends. I didn't answer him. I felt the walls going up inside me as if they instinctively knew to protect what was left.

"She hasn't been at school, that's for sure." The kid in the backseat piped up, laughing at me. I recognized him from my sixth period math class but had no idea who he was.

"I've been thinking about you Lexi," Mark's voice flitted out of the car and I physically cringed when he winked at me and licked his lips. I felt the bile rise in my throat, only imagining what he must be remembering and hating that I didn't.

He had no remorse. That much was obvious. He was acting like we shared a good time together and that I was willing participant. I wondered how warped his mind was that he actually saw things that way. How could he forget the fact was that he drugged me? Or the fact was that he and his friend, Ollie, raped me? Even if I had the courage to say something, no one would ever believe me.

Mark knew that.

I ducked my head down, folding my arms across my baggy, black t-shirt and continued to walk, praying to God that he wouldn't follow me. But God must not have been listening because the dark blue car idled beside me as Mark and his friends continued to taunt me the rest of the short walk home. At first they tried convincing me to get in the car with them by promising some beer and a good time. Then the kid in the backseat dangled a joint out the window like I was stupid enough to take the bait. It was insulting.

As I continued to tune them out, their cajoling catcalls turned into insults growing more degrading by the moment. "Come on Lexi, I know how you like it!" Mark cackled.

"We all know how she likes it!" The kid in the front seat laughed.

"The bitch is ignoring you," the guy in the back balked.

"Maybe she needs a reminder just how much she liked it."

My fear grew and I quickened my steps but the car kept time with me, trailing behind me and following me down the all but empty street. I prayed they wouldn't stop. I knew I'd been done for if they did. I broke out in relief when I spotted the hedges in front of my house. I knew they wouldn't follow me inside. I could make it. I'd be safe.

"Come on Lexi," Mark shouted. "If you ask real nice I'll let you suck my dick again."

I almost vomited all over the sidewalk but knew I didn't have the time. I turned the corner into my gate, smacking right into Will on the other side as he was leaving. I stumbled back, horrified. All I could see was Will before me and all I felt was Mark and his friends in their car behind me. I felt trapped and I didn't know what to do.

I could tell by the look on Will's face that he had heard what Mark had said. I knew what he was probably thinking. He was so far from the truth though.

I tore my eyes away from him, pushing by him, and rushing into the house. I charged up the stairs, two at a time, and burst into my room, locking the door behind me. Cranking up the volume on my stereo, I slunk to the floor and covered my eyes, shutting it all out. It wasn't until then that I finally was able to breathe.

The next time I saw Mark a similar thing had happened. I was getting takeout at a fast food restaurant and he came in. I didn't know he was behind me until I heard his familiar cackle. All the hairs on my body rose and every fiber inside me went on high alert. I debated leaving, but was too scared to move. I stood there, frozen, staring straight ahead, hoping he wouldn't notice me.

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