Chapter 23, Shadow's Forest clan secret

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In the cottage of the eldest Wei Zhuang's royal spy, Chen Li Zuo, the spies were planning out a plan except for Wang Xuan that was secretly following Li Zhang Ke and protect him in case he got kidnapped like the other generals.

"Leader, I made you some Hei An Guang treats. Would you like one?" Sun Ai Er came to him with a plate of round cakes, hoping that he will do the honor of having a taste of it.

"That's so kind of you, Miss Sun. But I'm not hungry," Gan Xin refused with a smile and respect as he continued being in his own world of strategies. Unlike Sun Ai Er, most of them were anxious of Wang Xuan's news later whether Li Zhang Ke had collaborated with a new enemy to fight them or otherwise. Hence, they used Li Zhang Ke as a bait.

"LEADER! LI ZHANG KE WENT MISSING TOO," Wang Xuan barged through the door, surprising everyone. Her face was smothered with anxiety that her heartbeat increased up to the roof.

Every members including Chen Zhi Qi jumped in shock upon seeing her way of entering,

"Sister, I might survive the heart attack but grandma is already old, cannot withstand you," Chen Zi Qi the poor young boy complaint, waking up from his sleep.

"It was the Forest Shadow clan," Wang Xuan ignored Zhi Qi, proceeding to walk towards the leader, worried. "They are the best in fighting, medicine and drug."

"But why would they attack the generals and ministers?" Sun Ai Er inquired, confused. She placed the plate she held on the table, standing beside Gan Xin as if she was his shadow.

"The Forest Shadow clan is actually assembled by the past kings of Hei An Guang." The eldest, Chen Li Zuo explained with a traumatized tone of voice. "Every time a new ruler is crowned, they will attack the kingdom to see if they really can rule."

"If the new ruler is useless, Hei An Guang will be passed to Da An," She explained further.

The others were shocked by the secret clan.

"But we have to save Li Zhang Ke," Wang Xuan insisted. "Li Hua Rong will lose a brother."

"And sister will lose a husband," Chen Zi Qi joked, cracking himself.

"We have always wanted to get rid of him. We even killed Jing Nu for him." Sun Ai Er explained. The leader, Gan Xin nodded, firmly agreed. At this point, they were still compromising if Li Zhang Ke was worth saving.



In the court, surprisingly there were no report to be read except one.

"My Queen, we've lost all of the generals including General Li." The minister reported in a trembling voice, insecure of his safety in the future.

"May the Queen protect the members of the court !" The remaining ministers around 10 people bowed to the floor.

Wei An Ge smiled, discovering a brand new information. "So turns out you people are just a bunch of cowards. What's wrong with dying for the kingdom? With such a high position, your name would be carved on each of the entrance door of Hei An Guang,"

The ministers were silent, defenceless.

"Now, let's do it this way. Ministers, please rise," She stood up of the throne. "I will ensure your safety and the kingdom's with one simple condition."

"Let's hear it, Your Majesty,"

"Release the previous King out of the dungeon."

Hearing the condition, the ministers whispered to each other to come out with an answer. "The Queen is excellent in strategies, WE put trust on you,"

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