⚜The Second Task⚜

Start from the beginning

"Removing Dumbledore as your Magical Guardian when he is the only one who can protect you! For all we know, the man could be a Death Eater! And then, Dumbledore mentioned that you had recently grown quite distant and secretive with him!" At this, the man glanced at the boy with worried eyes. 

"Harry you need to tell Dumbledore everything about the man! It's very important that we know everything as much as possible about the man to avoid any unfortunate circumstances....and Dumbledore is our only hope at that..." a blank silence took over the room as soon as Black finished his words. 

The man in the shadows was more than surprised to see the ice cold expression on the boy's face. It seemed as though with every word, Sirius Black uttered, the boy's expression grew colder. 

"Harry?" the head in the fire asked puzzled, noticing the boy's expression for the first time. 

"Aguamenti" the shadow was startled to see the fire in the common room die down in an instant due to the whispered spell. 

The man in the shadows twitched slightly, as the masked man walked gracefully towards the unmoving boy in front of the fire place. 

"How long had the man been spouting that nonsense?" the man's quite voice sounded dangerous yet calm in the silent common room. 

"....I-I...he..." the boy only managed to form coherent words at the masked man's questioning. 

A long tired sigh was heard, before the man in mask wrapped the boy into his arms. The shadow sneered when the boy hugged the man tightly, trembling slightly as if he was about to cry.

'Of course, Potter and his emotionally unstable hormones...always wearing his emotions so openly....in such fragile manner...' the shadow thought snidely.

"No, he does not wear his emotions openly....at least not anymore." the shadow sucked in a deep breathe as those glowing green eyes locked onto his form. 

'But the man shouldn't be able to see him...He was under the strongest  Disillusionment charm there was, even Dumbledore would be unable to sense him...'

The shadow felt chills down his body, as he felt the green-eyed man smirk at him as if sensing his fears.

The boy too had noticed the interactions by now, and had a curious gaze trained upon the corner, the man in the shadows was hiding in. 

"Come out..." it was not ordered but, the words were filled with hidden authority.

'Maybe he could get away with it...after all, it was not as if the man knew, who exactly was there...could he?' the hidden man thought as he tried to creep his hands closer to his wand.

"I won't repeat myself, Severus Snape," and Severus froze mid-way of apparating away. "I said Come Out!" there was no anger whatsoever, in the man's voice just the hidden sense of danger which compelled Severus to reveal himself. 

The boy's eyes widened at seeing him but otherwise, his face remained calm. Severus would have commented on the boy's skill if not for the glowing green-eyes that were watching him.

For the first time, since the dark lord's absence, Severus Snape felt so much trapped under someone's mere gaze. It almost reminded him of the Dark Lord...

Severus quickly pushed the ridiculous thought aside, focusing instead on the duo of raven haired males before him. Knowing that he was being tested and observed, Severus kept his face and mind carefully blank.

"Professor?" Potter whispered almost curiously as his so-called Guardian put his hand on the boy's shoulder. The boy stopped talking but his curious gaze still remained. 

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