⚜The Second Task⚜

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"You never mentioned it before....that you were The Boy-Who-Lived 's Guardian....Head Auror Peverell-" 


"-If you would have, then we could of course do something for the boy-"

Harry stopped listening midway. No, actually he had stopped listening as soon as the Minister had uttered his first words.

'Nothing had really changed, had it?'

The ministry was still as nosy and clumsy as he remembered. Rita Skeeter was still as ridiculous and obsessed with his personal life as far as he could think of. Dumbledore was once again marking every person who went against his plans; like Harry, as the Dark Lord's follower.

"-and the prophet has been dying to interview you and your ward-"

The Minister was still talking? 

Anyways, Harry felt a bit relieved that he was helping his Junior and his best friend from being against someone's -Dumbledore's- mindless puppets. 

He was helping his Junior adjust in the Wizardry world, something which took him decades to do. He was assuring his Junior, that there was someone to protect him, to care for him, and that his Junior was not alone anymore...

"-Of course, you are Lord Peverell, but if you do need any help with caring for the boy, the ministry-"

Ah~ all this bootlicking was really getting boring....

Then, there was the case of Barty Crouch Jr. The man was always insane and a die-hard follower of the Dark Lord, even in his own time period...willing to make Harry participate in the Tournament with the risk of using Imperius on a dragon, a mother dragon at that too.

Using a blood spell to ensure his victory....Of course, Imperius doesn't easily work on a dragon but by making the dragon smell Harry's blood on its egg, Barty had really gone fucking insane. 

However sadly, he couldn't kill Barty yet. No matter the level of insanity, Barty was after all a important key for Harry's plan. 

Suddenly, Harry smiled under his mask as he felt the wards around his Junior, tingle. Dumbledore, or was it Sirius....whoever it was had really made sure to have a private conversation with his Junior, without his interference, for Harry had made sure to not contact his Junior for the week....and if he was correct, Dumbledore would never miss the opportunity of cornering his Junior alone. 

"I am extremely sorry, Minister Fudge, but I believe, I have a prior commitment today." Harry informed the still rambling Minister, getting up from his seat. He didn't bother to see whether the Minister agreed or not, for Harry was already out of the door. 

Of course, he could apparate away, but apparating right in front of the ministry employees, when apparition was impossible in the Ministry...would be a bit suspicious, wouldn't it? Especially after his little stunt at Hogwarts, apparating right in front of Dumbledore....he needed to lay low for now....

"Lord Peverell." Harry stopped on his tracks, as he heard the familiar voice of Lucius Malfoy. 

"Lord Malfoy." Harry nodded acknowledging the blond man. 

"It's a pleasure to meet the Guardian of Harry Potter..." the man drawled out, and how could Harry forget, Malfoy's and Dramatic went hand in hand. 

He simply smiled charmingly at the man, and with the mask still on, Harry could tell the blond had read his gesture from his body language.

"To what do I owe the honor of having your precious time, Lord Malfoy?" It amused Harry, how the blond had changed his tactics so soon. 

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