Chapter 8

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Uncle Ali was gone! The funeral was carried out immediately and the whole country was in mourning. Adi had been crowned king and as for me, my bubble was gone. I felt everything.
There were new requirements that came with being married to a king which took up most of my time. I had to show up at certain public events to represent Bahrain and most importantly, as a show of support to Adi. Mostly, I had to attend meetings, which I did not have much of a say in. Parliament affairs were dealt with under my nose but my presence was more of a decoration than anything else. Even though times were changing, women still hardly had any say at all. It was astonishing to see. Not that I wanted to say much because whenever I had an idea or suggestion about something, Adi would call out the exact same thing.
Everything else was still new and strange. Even though I grew up in thee palace and had been tutored in all of this, not once did I imagine myself as Queen.
There was one upside, I got to see more of the outside than being stuck within the palace walls. Visiting different parts of the country had also been an eye opener which was a welcome distraction. It almost always distracted me from the nagging thoughts and doubts I had about my husband. 
Adi too had been busy most of the time and again, we only saw each other at meal times every once in a while or at public events. I missed him and I couldn’t ignore how much it hurt, but it was a relief that he wasn’t demanding anything out of me just yet. He was more focussed on building all of those hospitals and schools in the poorer parts of the country.
Astonishingly, I had lost interest in trying to come up with a plan on how to make him regret our marriage. I had always been clueless when it came to revenge anyway.
Besides, it was a childish thing to do. Holding a grudge could be tiring. So instead I had decided to spend my time doing the best I could for Bahrain in the five years that I had. Adi was allowed to have more than one wife and I figured he would marry again soon after I left.
I wasn’t happy thinking about it but life wasn’t a bed of rose petals. You had to get the thorns too.
My life wasn’t all bad though. As promised, a few weeks after Uncle Ali had passed away, Auntie Fatima had called me for a sit-down with one of the lawyers at the palace. He had brought over a stack of documents. Most of them were deeds to properties that had belonged to my father. A few were in countries abroad and I had been glad to find out that he had a loft in London. It was where I would leave to when Adi ended our agreement. It had always been a dream of mine to see the place where my mother and father met.
As for producing an heir, I had no idea when that was going to happen. Even though we were married, we did not share a bedroom. Our quarters were adjoined and Adi was supposed to seek me out whenever he desired. But he hadn’t as yet. The last time he had touched me was on our wedding night and my body ached for him, but I was too scared to do anything about it so most of my nights were spent in solitude. Every Friday evening, Auntie Fatima and I would play a game of chess.
‘So, next month we leave for America. Are you happy to go?’
‘Yes Auntie. Since you will be with me, we can go sight seeing.’ I smile at her and she returns it. It was good to see her coming out of her sad depressive state. She was getting over the death of her husband.
‘Yes. But won’t you be busy?’
‘No. Adi said that I don’t have to be present for all of the conferences. Just on the twenty fifth. So we have four days to ourselves.’
‘I see. Maybe we can go to Vegas. Find me a husband.’ She winks as I gasp.
‘I have a cell phone now. We could try online dating.’ I wiggle my eyebrows at her and she bursts out laughing.
‘I can’t believe Ali never allowed you one. He really kept you like a...’
‘I understood why so I never minded.’ I answer quickly and she smiles. Basically, Uncle Ali never wanted me to get exposed to anything that could’ve altered my current position, like online dating. I smile.
‘Well, I always considered you to be an angel since you accepted all of the rules without rebelling.’
I blush and look down at my pieces on the table since I had no way to answer her. I was winning for once. I moved my queen three blocks forward and picked out her knight.
‘You are getting good. You know Ali and I played every Friday.’ She sighs wistfully and I take her hand in mine. She squeezes once and just then, a loud knock on my door makes me jump. Auntie Fatima smiles. Yes, I still scared easily. Ever since the day I watched that stupid horror movie, I’m behind the door!
‘Come in,’ I call and Sara walks in. She was pushing a small cart with food on it. Just before I start to thank her Adi walks in. My words catch in my throat as I take him in, he looked ruggedly handsome tonight wearing a pair of semi formal black pants and a fitted white shirt. The collar was left unbuttoned and the long sleeves were folded up to his elbow. As he nears us, our gazes connect and I find it hard to look away.
‘I thought we could all share supper here together.’ His voice was unsteady as he gives me a fleeting smile before stepping toward his mother and giving her a light kiss on the cheek. She winks at me and pushes our game board to the side of the table.
‘It is a lovely idea. Eating in the dining room is becoming unbearable. Too quiet. When will you be having children? I think we all need a little joy around this place.’ I send a panicked look at my mother-in-law but she waves it away.
‘Soon mother. I was a little preoccupied with all my work. I never really knew how much father had to handle. It had required most of my attention and so I had no time to spend with my dear wife, but things have changed. The buildings are complete and I have finished all of my projects. The people are happy with our work so far and parliament is under control. My planner is free and the only thing left is the world peace conference in the coming month.’ Adi looks at me and I nod. It was true.
‘Your mom and I will go sight seeing.’ I inform him and he gives me a sceptical look.
‘Yes. Its been ages since I left the palace anyway. It will be good to breathe in some new air.’ We both smile and then focus on the mouth watering food before us. Sara excuses herself and walks to her usual spot beside the door, waiting to attend to any needs.
Dinner was eaten in silence. Not an uncomfortable one, but the three of us were more occupied with our private thoughts to start a conversation. When we finally finished eating, Auntie Fatima excused herself for bed. Fully expecting Adi to also leave, I start for the bathroom. I wanted to take a hot shower and then go to bed. I was immensely tired, however, just after Sara leaves with all of the dirty dishes, Adi steps toward me, blocking my path. A few minutes pass by in silence, not knowing what to do or say, so I start putting the forgotten chess board away.
‘I need you to come with me somewhere tomorrow.’ Adi announces suddenly.
‘Oh. Is it for something official? No one has said anything.’ I try to remember if my secretary told me anything but came up blank.
‘No. This is something else and its important. It has to be done before we leave for America. Something I need you to do. For me?’
‘I guess there is no point in refusing.’ I mutter.
‘I gave you enough time to cool down. Are you still angry?’ the soft look on his face is more than enough to strip down the barriers I had erected around my heart. Could a man as ruthless as Adi really look so affectionate? Did he really care about how I felt or was this because my actions affected him and what he wanted from me? I sigh. There was no winning when you did not know which of the pieces you had on the board.
‘I don’t know. Are you still going to keep secrets from me?’ I jut out my hip as I immediately regret the question. I turn to face him and his eyes roam up and down, scanning me from head to toe. I was wearing a full-length burgundy silk dress. It neither clung to my curves nor did it look like a square sack around me. It was a modest outfit, so the desire burning in Adi’s eyes left me puzzled. What did he see when he looked at me?
I couldn’t even ask him since he never answered any of my questions before. Nothing he ever told me had been straight forward or to the point. I had to always keep digging and it had tired me out. If he forced me to work for the answers every time, then I had to know where to draw the line. Was it all really worth only five years? No. I would never beg. If he wanted to tell me then fine, I would listen, but I would never hurt my heart again by daring to hope. Never again would I put my trust in him. Uncle Ali had tried to shield me from hurt and maybe I missed living in an ignorant bubble.
‘Maybe. I know why my father did what he did. You are too unpredictable and so its best to leave you without any information. Besides, I don’t want another Elena on my hands.’ He mutters quietly but my ears were fine tuned to his voice, side effect of being inlove, so I heard everything he had said.
‘How would telling me everything, all of the secrets and lies, cause me to end up like Elena? She’s sick. What did you say to her that caused her to have a breakdown anyway? If that was what she was going through.’ I huff.
‘Elena’s story is complicated.’ He sighs and the anger that had disappeared returns multiplied by a hundred.
‘I am tired and would like to go to bed now so could you please leave, your Majesty?’ I spit out but Adi was too preoccupied to notice the anger laced within my words.
‘Oh! Goodnight then, Aaliyah.’ He turns and leaves without a second glance. Husband of the year he sure was. Just then, Sara walks in with a cup of my usual herbal green tea. She places it on my bedside table and starts for the door but Adi bumps into her as he walks back in. She flushes beet red and hurriedly excuses herself. He waves his hand for her to leave and she speeds away. The laughter I had been choking down escapes as a childish giggle earning Adi’s undivided attention.
‘I just got hit with a sense of nostalgia. You always used to laugh when we were young. Why don’t you laugh anymore?’
‘Err, I grew up. Life isn’t all rainbows and cupcakes, Adi.’ I drone out wistfully. Reality chasing away the giddiness.
‘I see.’
‘What is it now? I was going to get ready for bed...’ I don’t get to finish before he interrupts me.
‘About that, I wanted to ask if you would like to join me tonight? In my quarters.’ His cheeks turn pink. He was asking nicely but what he said earlier had irked me and I wanted to get back at him.
‘Why?’ I say the first thing that I can think of.
‘Why!’ anger replaces the nervousness on his face.
‘Yes. I want to know why.’ I was too angry to just take orders and sit quietly. I had been doing this for over twenty four years. When was I going to be left to my own devices? In five years I think but I shelf the thought away.
‘How about this. I order you to come to my quarters in exactly half an hour. Do you understand me, Liyah?’ his jaw clenches and I gasp. How dare he order me about, and with this sort of thing. It was infuriating and also demeaning. Then again, he did ask politely the first time. I should have just refused claiming a headache or better yet, my period.
‘Good. I see you’re learning to be quiet!’ he turns around immediately and pushes the door adjoining to his bedroom open. I couldn’t help but be grateful for having separate rooms. But the main reason was to allow ease for when the king decided to marry someone else.
Ugh! Would Adi take a second wife? I had no idea. He did sign the contract; it clearly stated that he would remain dedicated and true to me and our marriage. However, still the thought, which I was okay with a few months ago, burned me as if it were a live red hot coal. Not that it mattered because I would be leaving at the end of the contract. I couldn’t let my heart get hurt anymore than it had already been. I wanted freedom and that was better than being a bird kept in a cage. Adi did not love me. There was no reason to stay and if I played my cards right, five years could turn to two if I did not produce an heir.
As I sit down on the comfortable chair debating my next move, I stare out the window and into the darkness. The stars were twinkling, as if smiling down at me. How unfair was it that I felt like crying right now?

Why did Aaliyah have to make things so complicated? She always brought up Elena and I had been trying to forget about that girl for months now.
Elena was very sick and every time I thought things were getting better, they didn’t. I didn’t want to tell Aaliyah the truth because it would only drive her further away. I walk to the shower and open the hot water. If only having a bath could rid me of the filth I felt sticking to my soul. I was not a good man and Liyah knew this. Whatever happened with Elena was partly my fault. I just hoped that things could settle down. I didn’t know how much we could take. Especially Liyah.
When Elena’s sister, Samantha, came here upon my request to take Elena back to the States, I thought things were finally moving along, but then two days ago I received a letter from Elena. It had been addressed to Aaliyah but whatever mail she received always passed through me first. It was creepy, invading her privacy, but when you were a royal, you had none and luckily too. The letter had been threatening and harsh. I had no idea as to how Aaliyah would have reacted if she had read it.
I then called Samantha who claimed that Elena had been fine thus far. She was taking her meds and seeing her therapist. She had no idea about any letter, so I withheld the contents. Instead, I asked for the security team to switch up. I needed highly trained professionals and more of them watching Liyah. I was not taking her safety as anything but serious.
But that was not what had me so worked up. I could deal with Elena, if she showed up again. More importantly, I wanted to fix my relationship with Liyah. I needed her to truly become my wife and not just a fill-in for the next five years.

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