"That's right. Are you looking forward to our performance at MAMA next week?"

"Please look forward to it!"

"Bye-bye ARMY!"

"Love you!"

Hoseok and Jimin headed towards the door but stopped when they realised Jin hadn't moved. Their oldest soulmate was on his phone.

"Hyung? You coming?"

"Just a minute... Hey! How did I get unsubscribed from Anna's YouTube channel?"

While Jin frowned at his phone, Jimin's eyes shifted around anxiously as he tried not to look guilty.

"No idea, Jin-Hyung."

"Why? What are you doing, Hyung?"

"ARMY made me special cards for my birthday after watching Anna's video. I wanted to see it for myself."

Jin turned up the sound on his phone and started the video with the other two watching over his shoulders. It made them smile. They could see Anna getting more comfortable in front of the camera with each video and it made them feel so proud of her.

"She's amazing."

"Yeah, she is."

All three of them were smiling sappily when Jin's phone buzzed with a notification. When he read it he started giggling.


"Tell us what's so funny, Hyung!"

"Anna just sent me another dad joke."

"Go on then, Jin-Hyung. Tell us."

"How do Idols stay cool? They have lots of fans."

Jimin snorted which made Hoseok start laughing as well.

"Come on, rehearsal time!"

The three of them walked into the dance studio giggling as Jin had spent the walk telling them more of the jokes that Anna had sent him. However, the tense atmosphere in the room soon sobered them up.

They immediately walked over to where the rest of their soulmates were in a deep discussion with some staff members. Anna was standing off the side, her arms wrapped around herself as she bit her lip worriedly. Jin walked over to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Pulling her against him, he placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Tae's knee is acting up again. They're worried he won't be able to perform next week, so they're coming up with a backup plan."

"Hm. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Tired from all the training, but I'm enjoying it. How's the birthday boy? Are you having a good day?"

"The best day. Thank you for all the jokes, and the card, and inspiring ARMY to make their own."

Anna just smiled and shrugged. To her, it was the smallest of gestures. Figuring out what to give her soulmates for their birthdays had been extremely difficult as anything she thought of felt either too impersonal or not enough to show how much they meant to her.


They both turned towards Hoseok who was waving them over.

"Have you come up with a plan?"

"We haven't decided what to do yet, but either way Taehyung can't dance today, so could you fill in for him?"

"What?! Hobi, no, I can't -"

"I taught you the dance before, there will just be some placement changes, and you've been watching us rehearse the past few weeks. You can do it."

"Yeah, but still... Surely one of the other dancers or Son Sungdeuk would be better..."

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