Nightmares are real and exist in this world and beyond.

Start from the beginning

That must have been it. But I knew that that was another mind game I always have to pull through the long nights of each and every single day. "This was definitely one of my normal horrible dreams at night" I convinced myself internally. It was not actually happening in really life.

I looked at the room we were told not to enter and found nothing interesting except the black cardboards rocked with heavy chains in every wall of the room except the wall where a window with an open curtain was at.

I sat down on the floor and looked at the kids there. They looked shaken up. Some where crying with no sound at all. I could only see the flood of tears from there eyes. When I looked through the crowd, I saw sister Theresa, sister Michelle, all the sisters were there even father Peter's, and yes, sister Lisa I was there. I also saw my bullies that meant more years of tormention were still on.

Sister Lisa stood behind me that was in front of the door. I stood up and faced her. I searched her face but that time, her face was blank.

Sister Lisa took a deep breath after there there was a long silence outside the door. I assumed that she realizes that the threat was no longer available. She breathed out and turned at me.

"Thabo, Now we can talk" spoke sister Lisa.


What I wanted was to talk but that was awhile ago, I no longer wanted to talk while keeping in mind that there is an actual monster loaming around the premises of the orphanage. 'I have to leave the place I don't know where I will go but I will', I thought.

A girl came towards me carrying a book. She had dry tears marked on both of her chicks. She was short, probably 10 year old young girl.

"They were talking about you. Actually, they were asking about you because you were the only one not here. Did the monster hurt you? Don't worry, you will be okay" she said. Her attempts to make me feel better were not successful because when I looked at the brave young girl I saw pure fear in her spackling eyes and tears on the chicks.

"I heard them saying something like last time it came, it was not strong as this time. Do you thing it had come before" she continued. "Anyways my name is Tamando, you can call me Tama" she whispered. She surely didn't talk like her age. "How old are you again? I asked. "I am 15" she answered smiling.

She absolutely didn't look her age probably I didn't look my age too.

"Come, let's sit there before it comes back and you will literally be his first victim" she whispered. She practically dragged me to the other corner where people were. Father Peter looked at me and I looked at him. I didn't know what to do so I just stood and looked at him.

Sister Theresa started walking towards me. She stood a couple of centmeters away from me and spoke, "You need to stop your wondering around...." She didn't get to finish whatever words she was going to use to scold me, sister Lisa came into my rescue which was new because sister Theresa was scary and respected. When she is talking everyone listens.

"Not here sister and not now, right?" Said sister Lisa. The way her eyes stared Sister Theresa's eyes, I saw that more words were exchanged apart from the words that were said verbally. She was trying to make sister Theresa understand something and that thing might not have been any good.

I forgot about the girl who still had her hand rapped around my hand. "That sounds like trouble and juicy" she giggled and dragged me to a group of three people. They all looked like her and they probably were the same age. They were short except of one girl who was taller. All were slim just like me.

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