Chapter 26| New Beginning

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The sun scorched the land with its powerful light, No clouds visible in the vast sky. The flowers were lovely and the weather called from iced lemonade rather than tea. The palace was chaotic to say the least as today was when two souls shall join as one by sharing a vow of devoted love.

Phillip stood in front of his mirror, repeatedly adjusting the cuffs of his sleeves and his white collar. He was dressed in a classic black suit with ruby encrusted cuffs. To say he was nervous would be an enormous understatement. He would never stop moving.

The door creaked open, "Phillip my man!" Hastings rushed through the entrance with Luca following at toe.

"Hastings! Luca!" He gave his dear friend a tight embrace. Luca received one as well.

"Tell me, are you ready to become a married man?" Luca questioned.

Once that was said, the prince returned to his panicked ways. Pacing around the room, fixing a rogue strand of hair, swiping the non existent dust off of his suit. He was ready, in fact he felt that he had been ready for a long time now however, he wanted everything to be perfect. This was Lorelei's special day as well. Since she willingly said yes to his proposal, the least he could do was help achieve her ideal wedding.

He feared the potential of stutters during his vows, the feeble superstitions he never paid much mind to until now. He feared a sudden change of heart from Lorelei. No matter how preposterous it may have sounded.

"Phillip, calm down. The day will go smoothly I promise. As long as you are calm and collected, Everything will go according to plan." Luca reassured him.


Not too far within the palace walls was a case similar to Phillip, Lorelei.

Her pacing and biting of the nails were constant and repetitive. Slightly Irritating Cecily, who very adamantly volunteered to get the future queen ready for her special day.

"Lorelei, stop pacing, we need to get your hair done." Cecily pulled out the vanity chair and gestured her to sit, which she complied.

"I can't help it. I'm actually getting married...This is happening. What if I trip?" Her anxiety surged through her body from head to toe as Cecily brushed through her hair soothingly.

Cecily continued to fix her hair into a curly loose bun with pinned pearls and a braid that wrapped around her head. Saying reassuring comments whenever she seemed anxious.

Just as Lorelei's makeup was finished, there was a knock on the door. Not expecting any visitors, Lori got up from her seat and answered. There at the entrance stood Miss Aveen with a small purple hat and a violet flower dress. She looked beautiful.

"Miss Aveen!" Lorelei embraced her with such intensity.

She returned the gesture, "My darling Lorelei, You look absolutely mesmerizing."

After their heartfelt moment, Cecily cleared her throat and reminded them of their limited time. The three rushed to attach her jewelry and slip into her dress.

It was a gorgeous white cathedral train dress with lace tulle embroidered by shining jewels and pearls. For the last touch, Miss Aveen did the honors of pinning her pearl embroidered veil to her hair and laid it in front of her. Hiding her face with a sheer white fabric.

Aveen began to tear up. "You are truly a sight to behold my child."

Tears threatened to fall from Cecily as well. In the short time she has met Lorelei, their bond grew immensely. Despite the clear differences personality wise they had many things in common, such as gardening, reading and baking. Well Lorelei loved to back them while Cecily gladly devoured her creations. They had a very symbiotic relationship.

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