Chapter 1 | Lorelei

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Hidden deep with the seraphim forest, lied a petite girl innocent from the corruption of her kind. Her emerald eyes, always lit with curiosity, light brown hair that cascaded down to her lower back and pale skin which has been briefly kissed by the sun rays here and there.

She had gone through her isolated life only learning from the endless shelves of books her late mother and father left behind for their only daughter. From romance to scientific discoveries. Lorelei embraced the knowledge and tales written before her. The words, pages, sentences and paragraphs created a sense of security for her and kissed her goodnight when her parents couldn't.

Yet, even with these books filled with human influence, her fear of others never lessened. A slight craving for interaction appeared sporadically but her fear always prevented her from taking such risks.

Lorelei spent her days cleaning, baking, tending to the fruits and vegetables outside, caring for the sheep's and chickens who lived with her and other basic chores done to satisfy her tranquil life.

She absolutely adored taking her nature walks, breathing in the fresh scents in the forests and especially to pick her favorite Plant, lavender. Coming home with a wicker basket filled with their sweet fragrance.

However, every month, When she was in need of new paperbacks and attire, since she wasn't able to provide them herself. Lorelei dressed into her thick white cloak, which covered her from head to toe bestowed by her mother, her beloved light yellow dress detailed with small daisies on the fabric that hugs her body in a fitting and complementary manner and her basket.

Once she enters the front gates into Stonehill village, she goes out of her way to avoid any greetings said to her, any questions or gossip thrown her way. Her anxiety was always at its peak.

"Just keep your head down, they won't hurt you" she tells herself repeatedly.

Yet she is never convinced.

The only normal conversations she had experienced are with the sweet elderly librarian, Madam Aveen. Lori treated Madam Aveen as her second mother. She gave Lorelei new books and articles about anything every month and gave updates about her life of a lonely and loving librarian, over a cup of Earl grey tea and homemade raspberry cheesecake.

Lorelei absolutely adored her. Who wouldn't? Madam is such an alleviating person that no sane person can look at her without feeling her comforting aura.

Lorelei's smile never faltered when in her presence.


On a radiant morning, she walked to a small, green wooden window in her bedroom with a view of the tall trees, the thriving plants and the sounds of chirping birds. she decided that it was finally time to visit Stonehill village.

After sliding off her bed, detailed in carved flowers and spirals, she slowly opened her creaky wardrobe and changed from her now wrinkled nightgown to her plain yet charming apparel.

She cooked her fresh handpicked eggs with delight. Slipped her dainty feet into her comfortable shoes and strolled through a single dirt path which led to the front gates of the center. Having the roads already memorized by heart, she darted straight to visit the lovely Madam Aveen.

She Looked through the rusty windows to see if any other unwanted visitor was present before she stepped inside. She tried to mask her excitement but failed miserably which resulted in the all too familiar librarian grinning from ear to ear at her favorite

The librarian for the only bookstore in town, Aveen was a delightful elderly woman with hair that resembles the clouds and honey eyes that can warm up a whole room.

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