Chapter 17 | Invitations

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The jingle of the single bell was faint yet distinct in the silence of the book store. As per usual, none of the residents were lingering between the bookshelves. The only signs of life inside were Lorelei herself and the sound of fire crackling in the distance. Ah, that is why the temperature change was very drastic.

"Miss Aveen?" Lorelei called out as she hooked her coat on the stool.

"My my Lorelei, it is a pleasure to see you my child," Her head poked out from behind the counter in an almost comical way. "Oh dear, may I be completely honest with you?"

"Of course, what is it?"

Aveen calmly walked to Lorelei with a remorseful smile. Once she reached her, she brushed her hair behind her ear and said.

"You look like you have just come back from a tea party in hell, what happened?"

"You look beautiful too Madam Aveen..." Lorelei added with an exaggerated roll of the eyes.

"Thank you Darling but did something happen?"

There was a moment of silence between the two, Lorelei was desperate to tell at least a single soul about what had occurred between her and Jay, how she was attacked by something unknown and her memories of her mother and father. She was pleading for some omnipotent being to guide her to her answers.

However, she felt that it was in some way selfish to push her pain onto Miss Aveen, someone she had always seen as a mother of some sorts. Miss Aveen adored Jay and Hastings as would anyone. Who would she be if she simply vented to her and ruined Jay's image when he may have a valid reason for his confusing actions.

"It was a restless night, that is all."

"Well, I'll take your word for it. Although, if I find out that you have sold me on a lie. Let's just say you would be much better off attending another one of those tea parties." She threatened with a smile.

She hesitated before speaking. "Of course." sending her a smile as well.


"Delivery!" A young man pranced into the store waving a wax sealed letter up in the air.

He wore a pair of thick high waisted trousers and a brown newsboy jacket and a cap. His far-to-large leather satchel was practically half the size of him and seemed to be on the verge of overflowing with identical letters.

"Hand it to me young man."

"With pleasure Madam." He quickly rushed and gave it to her.

After, he hastily tipped his hat to Lorelei with a wink and rushed out to deliver the other letters.

"I think he took a liking to you." Miss Aveen teased.

"Too young for me I'm afraid, though he will be quite a romancer when he comes of age." Lorelei let out a snort.

Miss Aveen walked towards the counter and grabbed her golden letter opener, detailed with a royal blue marble handle.

"Let us see what the contents of this letter is."

"Isn't that the royal seal?" Lorelei pointed out as the royal crest was marked in the middle of the burgundy wax.

"It is indeed."

Without another word spoken, She sliced the seal and opened the letter. There inside was a folded paper detailed in gold borders that shined when shifted in different directions.

It read:

Dear Reader,

The Kingdom and the Royal Family of Edevane are pleased to announce that you have been invited to the Royal soiree and coronation of Prince Phillip, The heir of Auroya. Who will introduce himself to all of his loyal subjects with utmost pride and joy. Wear your ornate suits and gowns and join us in the Glass house masquerade ball.


The Edevane Family.

"Oh my, a royal ball. How exciting!" Miss Aveen exclaimed.

"That it is." Lorelei agreed. "Do you know what you will wear?"

"Me? Oh no dear. I am far too old to attend these events now. I have had my fair share of them and my knees do not agree with such activities I'm afraid." She let out a laugh. "Here take the invitation, you are far more suited for this than me."

"But there will be so many people. I can't." She enjoyed her life of being in the shadows around others.

Miss Aveen placed her hands on Lorelei's shoulders. "My darling, It is a Masquerade. No one will be able to know your identity i swear to it. I want you to be able to walk amongst others without an ounce of care. Even if you are behind a mask, I shall be happy."

"Are you sure you want me to accept the invitation?"

"I have never been more sure about anything else in my life. Enjoy life to its fullest potential."

Lorelei pondered on her decision for a short moment. Re-reading the invitation in her hands.

"Okay, I will go."

"Wonderful! We must find you a beautiful gown to wear!"

Right when Miss Aveen stated that, Lorelei immediately thought of the gorgeous gown that her mother had in the box.

"I might already have something to wear."

"Do you?"

"Yes, A gown the color of deep emerald. All I need are shoes and a mask."

"Leave that task to me darling. You my dear will be the belle of the ball."

Lorelei and Miss Aveen continued the discussion of the ball, what to expect, etiquette, and other information worth noting for the fateful night.

Although thoughts invaded her mind every now and then. Lorelei wondered if Jay may also be attending the ball. If she will be able to see him, to ask him all the questions that have left her restless night after night.

"Oh my, Look at the time! You best be getting home whilst there is still light outside. Come here before the ball starts, i will have your shoes and mask ready for you."

"Yes Miss Aveen, I shall see you the day of."

"Im so excited for you my dear. You will be mesmerizing that i am sure of."

"Thank you. Goodnight Miss Aveen."

"Goodnight Lorelei. Sleep well."

"Yes Ma'am."

And with a wave of goodbye, Lorelei slipped on her hooded cloak and departed to her residence. Where she laid out her beautiful gown and jewels and dreamt of herself waltzing around in it. Accompanied by Jay with his charming smile.


I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving if you celebrate it.

This year I am thankful for all of the love I have been given by all of you! Your interactions and comments have always put a smile on my face! Thank you for reading!


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