Chapter 23 | Gone

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Phillip's movements were frantic and urgent. Looking through the crowd to see if she may be there. But much to his disappointment and fear, she was not there.

Hastings and Cecily finally caught up to him. The princess was huffing and puffing since she had to run in a corseted dress and heels. It is not something she wished to do again. Suddenly, she felt a hand on the small of her back, startling her to a straight position.

"My apologies Princess, I was merely checking to see if you were alright." Sir Luca was frantic in his focused gaze.

Her eyes widened, "Oh, Thank you Luca. I am quite fine." She started to fidget with her skirt as her heart returned to its normal rhythm. Hastings watched this exchange with amusement until he remembered the reason why they raced down those stairs.

"Phillip, what is the matter?"

He didn't stop his stationary search while he answered Ambrose. "She's gone Hastings, She was her before the announcement and now she is nowhere to be found."

The three of them looked at the worrisome Phillip, Cecily was the first to come to the conclusion that she may not be in this building however she is most likely still in the palace walls. Hastings organized an unofficial search for Lorelei, just the four of them. Phillip would search the gardens, Hastings and Luca would search the rooms inside the building and Cecily would stay to see if she were to come back to the ballroom.

Phillip was the first to leave practically in a sprint. Her safety was his top priority and his anxiety was nearly at its peak from her disappearance. He had to make sure she was okay.

When he searched the garden grounds, the only people he saw were a couple deciding to promenade during the star lit sky. Judging by their shock and anxiousness to pull apart, he assumed they were either having an affair or they were told not to be seen together. Though, Phillip promised not to speak a word and left them for privacy.

"Lorelei...Please be safe." He pleaded in a whisper. Praying to any omnipotent being to hear his wishes.

The only place he searched through was the green house or the "glass garden" he called it. It was his own version of a secret garden. Whenever his mother insulted him or slapped him he would always escape here with Hastings and imagine himself as a strong knight with an army at his side.

The door was quite small compared to the immense size of the structure. As he entered, he closed the door behind him slowly and looked around. Nostalgia erupts through his senses from every nook and cranny of the area. After a few steps, he noticed a person sitting down on the crystallized bench admiring the row of orchids.

He stopped in his tracks, placing his focus on the woman of heavenly beauty in his natural environment. He leaned his body against the single lamp post that provided light with his arms crossed. His smile brightened as she smelled the flowers and petted them as if they would break with a single touch.

"Are the orchids to your liking?" Phillip called out.

Lorelei sat up immediately and faced toward The prince. Her eyes were glossed and puffy. She had been crying.

"Lorelei...I- Please let me explain." He took a step closer to her all while still maintaining a suitable distance. He didn't want to lose this chance.

"J- Your majesty." Phillip interrupted. "Phillip, just Phillip."

"Phillip... Why did you lie to me about your identity? Why did you lead me for a fool for months? Why did you tell me you love me when you were betrothed to another?" She pleaded with him. Tears started to swell in her eyes. Her emotions put her in extreme turmoil yet she hoped that his reason would be enough to deserve forgiveness. She wants to forgive the man who stood in front of her. The man who held her as if she was a gift from the gods. The same man who listened and remembered every detail about her. The man who she believed was created just for her. Her love was undeniable and overflowing. But the betrayal she felt was thriving.

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