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2 weeks later.

I need you ergently like an ambulance,
If im a human then your my oxygen.
Im not myself anymore,
Your myself.

(Rymes in turkish and is much more romantic)

Is what i remeber rami saying in my dream... it was like one of those dreams that feel real but isnt. I couldnt wait any longer.I knew i had to find him, i had too.

What would i say to.my parents?...
That i got a job offer as a nurse elsewhere.
Would she even believe me after i suspiciously dissaper for nearly a month and end up at her door.

I open my hands and pray,

Ya rabbi... please help me. I dont know what to do. Im stuck. My heart is with him... i cant help it. If it is wrong and not good for me take this love away... if it isnt let me reunite with him. Oh rab...

I open the scruched up paper.
The one rami gave. I dial in the number.
-really sweetie? That wonderful'.. but.i dont want you to go.. we just reunited.

-yes but we need the money?

I say feeling bad about lying.
She sighs sitting down.

-are you sure you arent hiding anything from me. Im your mother. You know Tell me everything... i dont know why ur acting like this...

-i cant tell you..

I ended up telling her everything. That i was kidnapped and the whole rami thing and how i fell for him and how i want to find him again.

Her reaction was of courses bad. She didnt want me to go.


-i said you cant!

-ummi, i love you so much..' but my heart is with him. I cant wait any longer. Its like im missing a piece of me. I just need him...He left me a note with a number, its to ring him incase of an emergency. I know your worried. Dont worry he loves me... i know he does or he wouldn't care this much for me. He wouldn't bring me back with him, putting his life in risk. He has money... he will treat me well ummi. Dont worry about that. The only problem is we arent together... if he is bad for me may Allah make a Barrier in between us, i will try to find him. If i cant then i will say...its what Allah has writen.

I look at my mother, she's processing what i said. Shes making a decision. Silence fills the room.

-bring the number lets call it together.

I mentally scream in joy and i quickly get up to do what she said.

I dial in the number. My hand was shaking. It was ringing. Then the phone  opened,


-wa aleyikumsalam, do i know you?

-Is rami there?

-wha- i dont know who he is.

-he left me this number.

-whats your name?


The call ends as he shuts the phone on me.
I stand hoplessly as my mum tries to comfort me. We are both confused  what just happened? My phone rings, its the same number.


-im sending you his adress. I hope you vist him, he still thinks about you.

He closes the phone. I open the adress he sent, im shocked as i see its in Morocco.

-its in morroco?!

-really? How are you supposed to go there?!

-he told me he wouldnt stay in Egypt though. I will go... its not a problem.

[I was astray]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن