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Thanks for chosing this book to read. Disclaimer: dont take this book as an example of islam, Muslims and how they should be. This is just a story i wrote and im no scolar or imam. Thx :)


My weak body aches on the cold floor as i try to remeber his face. There were two people. Yes two. One was next to door... it was dark i couldn't see him. I remeber his voice.

-...Daimen we need her alive, your going to fcking kill her if you continue.

He shouts as the man infront of me continues knifing my thigh as i scream in pain on the verge of fainting. His voice gives me an nostalgic feeling... i know this voice.

-you dont worry about that
He responds laughing

My eyes start to blur as i can handle the pain. The last thing i remeber before fainting was whispering
HasbinAllahu ve nimel vekil.

My thighs had bandages  they must of rapped them while i was unconscious.
I try not to break and remeber my dad telling me before passing,

"Never lose hope in Allah and put your trust in him. The ayah says: and for those who fear Allah, Allah finds a way out for them."

Maybe this is my test...i dont think i have the strength to continue. I will die here... i know.

Why did they take me? I had nothing to do with them. I was at my neighbors. My neighbor aunt zaynab told me to stop by before going to work to take some food she had made, she was also.Egyptian and always gave me a bit of her food even if i refused.

As we were on the couch her son,a few years older than me, comes home and rushes to his room without saying anything. He looked scared. A few minutes later men barge in breaking the door. I couldn't catch their faces, in a matter of seconds they had already made us unconscious.

Im still unaware of what happend but i heard them talking here about me being part of something. From what i think, her son was involved in some gang things and they were after him. They probably thought we were in this to, though i doubt they took aunt zaynab too,
they probably left her and took us.

I shiver from the cold as another tear drops my eye, i shouldn't have went the her, i think. But what happened happened and now i needed to think of a way get out of here.


My heart races as  i hear footsteps coming towards the room. Im scared that it will happen again, the torturing.
I plea to Allah for nothing to happen.

Some enters i cant see his face of course its dark.

-now... tell us what you know if you want to be free.
Its the one with the nostalgic voice.

-i dont know anything, i already told you

I try to say in a hard voice but fail.

The light opens blinding my eyes as i whimper in pain. I close my eyes trying to adjust.

-look, im easy on you but as you saw the others are animals. Just tell me what you know and you will be safe. I know them and seen sht' they will do everything to make you speak.

I finally bring myself to look at him.
I freeze, why is his face so familiar?
He also freezes and opens his mouth to say something but changes his mind. He avoids looking at me after that, it was so werid.

-please believe me... i dont know anything i swear.  I have nothing to do.with this. This was a coincidence.

I tell him why i was at the aunts house.
He says nothing.

-are you hungry.

I dont respond, he leaves.
Who was he, i try to remeber but i cant recall him. With the light open i can now see my brusied body covered in cuts. Im so weak. My body is exposed, i only have my underwear and my big shirt left. My hijab obviously gone.

He comes back with a plate with food.

-eat this, ill tell them what you said,
pray that they believe you.

He said without looking at me and leaving.

Rami p.o.v

I know her. Shes y/n.

I know shes innocent.
She was a good girl.

She was my neighbor, my families neighbor. Our familys new eachother well. We used to go to the masjid together back in Egypt , my home country. We would play together, i would want to go the the masjid only if she want. We stopped talking closely after hitting puberty but our familes
Didnt of course.

What a conicedence, how did she even end up in Dubai, i wandered how her life was now and if she remembered me.
I shake the thoughts as i walk through the dark walls of our warehouse. I hide  my gun under my shirt before leaving the warehouse and entering my car.


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