Ch. 9 - Red Notebook

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SHIELD had forcibly taken up Steve's schedule for the next two weeks, but this time Steve sent a text to Y/n to let her know he was going to be gone. He thankfully missed the rest of the time that the nude model would be there. By then Steve was more comfortable working with Agent Romanoff and was able to joke and laugh with her.

He got back just in time to start the painting unit, which would take up the rest of the class times. While they were practicing landscapes outside, Y/n asked him to come over to her apartment that night. He agreed, and they set up plans to meet that evening.

His thoughts wandered while he swiped a bit of brown onto his paintbrush. Was it wrong of him to think of holding her? Actually touching her? The only physical contact they'd had was those few times they'd hand each other something and their fingers would brush together, or that first date when she held his waist, or when he dropped her off at her apartment and she kissed his cheek.

But he thought about taking her in his arms and holding her close to his body. He thought of the way her front felt against his back and imagined his torso flush against hers instead. He wanted to bury his face in her hair and inhale her scent over and over until he was practically intoxicated with it. His mind even went so far as to think about softly pressing his lips to hers.

He'd never initiated a kiss before, but he could try. Because he really wanted to kiss her. He's wanted to for a long time now.

He shaved again, was dressed presentably in khakis and a button-up, and had bought her a bouquet of flowers. He drove to her apartment on his Harley, keeping the wrapped flowers under the large seat so they wouldn't get ruined. He knocked on her door at exactly 7:00pm, the time they agreed he'd come to her apartment. She opened the door.

Steve's heart swelled with affection. His desk partner was kind enough to invite him into her home and teach him about the present when she had every right not to. He didn't even ask her, she offered. That's how kind she was.

"Hi, Steve. Come on in." She opened the door wide enough for him to fit through, and he went inside.

Her apartment has much more inside than his, but that was understandable. He wasn't much of a decorator and he didn't know where to buy a lot of things in the present. So he never bothered to fill his apartment with things other than what SHIELD gave him and some necessities.

His head almost smacked against the top of her doorway as he stepped inside, so he took the precaution of bending his neck forward. The doorway was much smaller than his.

"I made some food if you're hungry," she said, gesturing to a set table.

His eyes widened at the gesture. "You didn't have to do that, Ma'am," he said softly.

"No, it's alright. I wanted to."

Eating the dinner that she made, with her, in her apartment, felt very intimate. She sat right next to him while they ate, their eyes meeting while they talked amongst themselves.

He made her laugh a few times, and each time she covered her mouth in embarrassment. Steve wanted to hear it a million more times and then some. It was most definitely one of his favorite sounds.

"So we should probably start with the internet, huh?"

He had heard about this, "internet", but nobody told him what it was. He always assumed it was what those devices everyone carried around were for, phones. He had one, but it didn't have the internet on it.

"If you'd like."

She got her laptop from a separate room, inviting him to sit on her couch with her. She opened it and signed in, when she did it opened up to a white background with a logo that said, "Google".

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