LEALTÀ-Chapter one

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Chapter one. The devils den


Kimberly Casey

My hands were dry from all the washing. My head was pounding from all the stress,my back hurt from all the kicks and the hard concrete floor. The cut on my chin was deep and ugly,still not fully healed. I looked down in the sink with dishes in it. My vision became blurry but I keept going. I'm so tired...and the feeling of giving up gets closer and closer as the days passes by...everyday of waking up and seeing this hell hole. I'm tired of living under him...under his hands and under his words.

I really tried to hurry up but it feelt like I was going to pass out right here,right now. The back of my hand touched my forhead,feeling my temperature. I was burning up!

"Come on,woman! We don't have all day." One of the guards yelled behind me. I flinched as I could feel the cold,hard gun on my back.

I'm trapped in here and I will be for my whole life probably. This has been my jail since three years back. To a mafia boss called "Adam Constatino." I don't have any connections to the mafia. I was just picked,as the other girls. Random. Before I got here I was an ordinary girl. I worked at a shelter for women who had been abused or anything like that. A place where they would feel safe. And away from all their problems,even if it just was for a day or if they were lucky-forever.

I had two wonderful parents! Monica and Sandro. They were the best...until he killed them in front of my eyes,he sliced their throats right in front of me. It's been three years and I can't forget it how hard I try...But I fight everyday for them. So that their death wasn't for nothing.

It was just a normal night. We all were sleeping till we heard a loud bang and men dressed in black suits with guns came into our home. First,they took me. And then them. They beated all of us and put bags on our heads. And before I knew it I blacked out. And when I woke up I was chained in a basement,my parents in front of me with guns pointed at them and a man with a knife,at my moms throat.

I remember the fear in my moms eyes and the coldness in his eyes. Constatino's eyes. His eyes were blue and cold. He was dead inside. It didn't take long before a smile was on his lips and he said those simple words.

"Learn from your mistakes." And he let the blade slide.

Tears slide down my cheeks as I recall that day. How I could see the death of my parents eight in front of me. Powerless. My hands began to shake both from the memories and the gun pointed at my back.

"Come." The man behind me said as he grabbed my arm,pulling me away from the sink. I turned and did as he said. He took me back to the basement that has been my "room" since three years back. Or more like a cell.

"Kimberly!" Sarah called out as the guard pushed me into the cell. He locked the cell-door behind me and walked away. I laid on the cold floor,tears floating down my cheeks.

"What happened?" Sarah,my friend asked. I looked up. It was dark but I could still see her blue eyes shine. She looked worried. I sat up and shook my head. I looked down at my hands.

"Nothing. It's okay." I lied and looked at her,giving her a tiny smile. Her blond hair was greasy,her lips dry and her face was skiny,as her whole body from not been eating for a week. None of us had.

I hugged her. The silence filling the room around us.

"D-do you think we will be free?" She suddenly asked. We pulled away,but my hands never leaving her shoulders. I caressed her cheek.

"Yes we will. We just need to have hope." I said. And that's what I do belive. Or well...I try to.

Sarah is a few years younger then me. She's sixteen. Just a kid. These men still rape us. Around once a week they come down here and take a girl upstairs. And when they're done...the girls are often uncunscious from it all. They show us no mercy. Especially since we're women. Trash as they like to call us. Those are no men. Those are monsters,which a real man never would become.

We laid us down on the cold floor and tried to sleep as it was late and we can't do anything else. And I couldn't stop thinking...

When will we be free? Will that day come or is it just a false hope. Something I imagine myself? I don't know...but I guess I'll just have to have my hope high.

I felt my head pound and it hurted so much...I needed to try to sleep. I tried to sleep,and after sometime-I succeed.


I woke up with ice cold water being thrown at me. I flew up,wide awake. I looked around me like a crazy animal looking for it's pray. But only to see a guard. He was holding a knife in his right hand...

"Goodmorning,princes!" He exclaimed. His brown eyes was looking into my own. Everyone that's working here has the same,scary look in their eyes. I get chills when I just think about it.

He threw the bucket where the water was in before,and took a hard grip on my arm. I cried out at the hard grip,feeling my heart pounding harder against my ribcage. I knew that it was going to leave a bruise. He brought me on my knees,now holding a hard grip on my hair. It feelt like my hair was going to fall off.

"Suck." He demanded. I shook my head,trying to get away from his grip,but he soon placed the knife against my throat. My body began to shake,my eyes filling with tears. I looked to my right. Sarah.

He followed my eyes. A grin made it's way to his lips. "Ahh,I see! Your little friend. The other slut." He chuckled. I looked up at him. And before I could think,I spit on him. His brown eyes turned black. His face turned into a unexplainable expression,fear taking over my body.

A scream escaped my lips as he pushed the knife into my shoulder. It was all the way in,the whole blade cutting into my shoulder. Blood poured out on my whole arm and onto the floor.

"Suck,or I'll kill her and then you!" He yelled. My hands was shaking before they found his zipper...I pulled it down,making his hard-on show. He smirked down at me.

I pulled his boxers down and did what he had commanded. His moans filled the whole room. I wanted to puke...

He held my head down,making my breath shorten. I couldn't breathe. I began to panic,my hands trying to push myself away from him but his hard grip tighten. Just as I was about to pass out,he pulled away. His semen ran down my mouth as I puked all over the floor,trying to catch my breath. He pulled his zipper up,and walked out of the cell,locking it as he was out.

"KIMBERLY!" Sarah rushed. She patted my back. Tears running down her cheeks just like mine.

"I-I'm so sorry...H-He's a monster." She sobbed out.

"I know..." I breathed out. It didn't take long before I collapsed on the hard concrete floor,hitting my head in the process. I didn't have the guts to pull the knife out yet so I let it be. And all I could do was just to let it be...let this nightmare continue. And just...beg to god that the day when we will be free comes quick.


First chapter! What do you think?
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