Chapter 21 ~ Sabotage

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If anyone gets the sabotage reference, you win epic bragging rights!

Chapter 21: Sabotage

There looked to be hundreds of us lingering like shadows amongst the trees. The occasional flash of white fangs in the moonlight, voices nothing but whispers out in the open, the creepy scale went from seven to ten. The forest was our only cover and it wasn’t enough. My back tingled as if someone was standing right behind me but when I turned to look, nothing was there.

Titus parted ways to speak to the vampire’s he’d brought with him, his brow furrowed in thought. Padraig went with him, slapping his friend on the shoulder. Titus didn't look happy that his warriors would now be thrown into battle.

Atanas reached out behind him to pull me to his side. "Don't look so worried, my love. We still have the element of surprise, and extra forces thanks to Titus, which Airell definitely won’t be expecting.”

“Or you underestimate Airell.”

Jaw clenching, he said nothing else as we crept closer to the edge of the trees than I was uncomfortable with. Nadia and Kincaid stood shoulder to shoulder wth their backs to us, eyes locked on the grey building I could just about make out in the distance. They both turned when a misplaced step had a stuck snapping beneath my boot.

Atanas glanced at me from the corner of his eye and I gave him a sheepish look. It wasn’t my fault I wasn’t being as quiet as I could when I was being dragged along by Atanas with his achingly long stride.

“Tell me what you’ve found,” Atanas demanded in a sharp whisper.

Kincaid cleared his throat. “There’s only ten vampires on guard outside. About an hour ago, we counted thirty-four heading inside.” Sympathetic honey eyes met mine. “Airell amongst them.”

The beginnings of a growl built in Atanas’ chest and my hand whacked his arm to remind him to be quiet. Narrowed blues drifted to me before focussing back on his commanders.

“Any sign of Gideon or Ihrin?”

Nadia shook her head grimly. “I sent Bett as close as she’d dare go, she managed to get a look through a few windows but she didn’t see any prisoners. They’ve barricaded all but one door, a few are weak enough it’s nothing a good kick won’t get through. Most of them stay gathered in the storage room. She thought she glimpsed a set of stairs going down before the door shut. If there’s a basement, that’s where I’d keep someone likely to flee.”

The fact Airell didn’t have Gideon or Ihrin’s head rotting on a spike by the front door was good news in itself.

“What’s our priority here, My King,” Kincaid asked. “Is this a rescue mission or is our target Airell?”

“Why can’t it be both?” Folding my arms, I lifted my chin and hoped my gaze was as piercing as our King’s often was.

“Split targets means split resources.”

“So don’t split your resources. I’ll look for Gideon myself. You can all focus on Airell.” I didn’t want to be anywhere near him. Didn’t want to so much as see him because with a look, he could test just how badly I blocked out the maker’s bond.

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