Twenty Two - "...In taking the one thing that has given me purpose."

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I've been drifting in and out of consciousness all day, trying to wake up from my drug induced sleep. I remembered seeing Cole and Brooke every time I managed to open my eyes for a minute.

"Where's Gabe?" I croaked as pain struck me everywhere when I tried to sit up.

"He's coming, get some rest." Cole told me so I drifted away again.

When I wake again, it's quiet. I open my eyes and see Gabe sat at the foot of my bed with a sheepish smile. His eyes are black from lack of sleep and he generally looks unwell.

"You look like shit." I croak before chuckling a little. He breathes a laugh and smiles.

"You've kept me up worrying for the past few days." He comments.

"Few days? How long have I been out?" I question as I screw my face up when readjusting my position. "It's Thursday, you came in Monday night." He informs me. I try to rack my brain, the memories slightly hazy during my unconscious spells.

"Cole and Brooke?"

"Brooke found you after that arsehole left and and she got you here. She told Cole and he told me." He briefly explains so I take it. I have to bite my tongue to prevent myself from asking my next question as it makes me seem like a needy, desperate girlfriend but I want to know why he wasn't here the first few times I tried to wake up. He reads me like a primary school book as he stands up and comes to my bedside.

"I was here when you came out of theater, then I had to run out quickly and I've been here since Wednesday. I'm sorry I wasn't here when you first came to." He says quietly as he runs his fingers tips around my ear to tuck the stray hairs out the way and then drags them down my jaw. I shake my head.

"Don't worry, I know it must've been important." I tell him and he bobs his head as he goes to the foot of the bed again.

"So, do you wanna know what number he did on you this time?" He asks as he pulls the folder out of it's holder and catches it.

"No, no. I can't. I can feel it, that's enough for now." I smile weakly and he presses his lips into a thin line before putting the folder back. He then comes to take my hand tentativly and stares at it, drawing circles with his thumb.

"Well, you won't have to worry about him anymore." He tells me and I scoff.

"Yeah, okay." I say unbelieving. "What could you have possibly done?" I ask and he looks up at me with those forest green eyes, a hint of a smile pulling at the corner of his lips.

"I killed him." He says in a serious tone. I stare at him a moment before laughing along with his faint chuckles. I recall our conversation from our first date about the thugs that burnt his house down. Im surprised he got the opportunity to use that joke again. His eyes meet mine and his laughs and smiles don't reach his eyes. My smile fades as the realisation hits me like a train. The door bursts open and Cole and Brooke come in with coffee cups.

"Laurie!" They chime before flinging their arms around me. I wince at the pain and they instantly apologise. I mask my shock as we talk for a couple of hours, my eyes continuously darting to Gabe whose eyes are locked on me from his slumped position in the corner of the room.

"Anyway, it's getting late. We'll see you tomorrow." Brooke announces as they hug me and leave the room.

"You actually killed him?" I barely whisper and he stares at me a moment. "Like you killed those theives who burnt your house down?" He stands up to be next to me, not confirming my last statement.

"He's had a hold over you for too long, Laurie. He had it coming to him and you know it." He reasons with me and I tut at him.

"It's not that. What happens now? You disappear for years or even forever? Whatever the outcome is, it wasn't worth it." I spit and he scoffs.

"That's not gonna happen, I covered my tracks. You were left for dead. Hell, if Brooke hadn't have come back, you would be dead." He informs me.

"He nearly killed you, Laurie. I wasn't gonna have him around to eventually succeed in that. To succeed in taking the one thing that has given me purpose. The one thing that drives me fucking insane but also the one thing that I love more in this world so more fool me for not thinking about the consequences." He argues as he paces away towards the foot of the bed. "And for the record, it is worth it if I have you to come back to at the end of it all." He waves his arms at me before running his fingers through his hair.

"I love you." I blurt out and he turns to look at me shocked. Once he's processed it, he strides back to my side to smash his lips against mine. The passion radiating through this kiss allows me to disappear to place of pure euphoria. God, I missed him. It's like all the planets have aligned and time just stops for a second as we share a moment, just the two of us. He rests his head against mine and stares deep into my core.

"I've got a plan so none of that happens, you just have to get better, okay?" He whispers so I nod. He presses a light kiss on my forehead. "I love you too." He smirks as do I before he leaves the room. Jax is gone. He's finally gone.


"Come on, Sugar. We've got a plane to catch." Gabe urges as I'm getting my suitcase out of Cole's car. I smile to myself as I set it on the ground. I had two weeks of rehabilitation as I learnt my injuries were a lot more serious that I expected and now we're acting on Gabriel's plan.

"Okay, so we're gonna slowly shut things down this end once your visa's come through then we'll meet you out there in a couple months." Cole explains and I nod.

"I can't believe all you guys are gonna move out to Bermuda with us." My voice squeaks as I say it and Brooke engulfs me in a hug. "Thank you, for everything." I mumble into her shoulder.

"Drop us a message when you get there." Cole tells us and we nod. I hug him also as he plants a kiss on my head then we rush into the airport.

We can start a new life away from all the trauma in Birmingham. Cole and Brooke worked tirelessly to organize everything for us while I was in hospital. They found us a house, booked all the flights and arranged for our cars to be shipped over. Cole got rid of all the drugs I had stashed at the lock up so I can finally leave that life behind. I told Oceania about my plans to move out to Bermuda and they said they'd transfer my job over there so I can continue working on the Bermuda meet the 11 months of the year that's dedicated to planning it. Everything has finally come right.

"You okay, Sugar?" Gabe checks and I smile as I drink him in. My whole life is stood right in front of me and my heart swells. I grab him and crash my lips into his. It takes him off guard as he drops the bags to clutch at my back. He moans pleasureabley as do I until I realize we're in the middle of the airport. I chuckle as I pull away and glance around at the few people whose attention we caught.

"Just you wait until we're on that plane." He whispers in my ear and my hair stands on end. "Seven hours is a lot of time to kill." He adds and I shudder while trying to bite back a grin before grabbing my bags and going to check in. He laughs as he's not too far behind me. The better half of my life starts now. And I can't wait.


Ta da! The end. It does proper suck that the story is over. I would love to hear your feedback! Constructive criticism is always welcome but hateful comments will be ignored. I'm not here for that. Thank you to everyone who has read this book and recommended it to friends etc. You guys are awesome. But until next time, my friends!

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