Twelve - "What did I do to deserve him?"

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I stand on the bridge that marks the start/finish line and point my finger at Keanna's 370z as she signed up for my race. She's got loads of people betting on her that even if she comes 5th, she'll get a pretty healthy sum. I start the light sequence and when green hits, they all surge off the line. I then have to wait for them to finish before submitting the results.

"Hey Laurie." Cole. I spin round to stare at him.

"Hi," I say quietly. "What are you doing here?" I ask and an uneasy look spreads onto his face. He gestures behind him to a 2015 Nissan GT-R R35. This car is amazing. It's the sixth generation of it's line and it's the most beautiful one yet. Two door yet four seats allows this car, although cramped, to have more than one passenger. The body lines are so sharp that it makes this car stand out from the crowd.

"No." Is all I say as my mouth forms an 'O'. "That's amazing!" I tell him sincerely although I'm really jealous of him right now as that's my dream car. He dangles the keys in front of me and I grin from ear to ear.

"I'm running a race at the minute but when I'm done, I'll take it for a spin." I comment as I walk back towards the control box.

"What are you talking about? It's for you." He replies and I stop walking, trying to process what he's just said.

"What?" I utter as I walk back to him.

"Before you start, it's not to get you back or anything. I just wanted to make you happy again. Plus I feel you deserve it after all the shit that's happened between us." He explains. I take it for a moment, trying to process what's happening. He shakes the keys and I take them from him. Before I can fully process what I'm doing, I lean in to kiss his cheek but he turns his head back at the final moment and our lips touch, re-igniting all those feelings I'd surpressed for so long. All those feelings I thought had gone. Until now. I feel him melt away for a moment before I hear the rush of cars go past us.

"I gotta go." I mumble as I pull away. He nods before retreating into the every growing crowds, neither of us confirming what we just felt or what it means for our future. I'm more confused than ever. Keanna runs at me screaming which knocks me out my thoughts as I'm clicking around on the computer.

"I won! I freaking won! Did you see me?" She squeals as she hugs me and I shake my head. "What? Why?" She questions, all previous happiness disappearing. I shrug while I'm finishing up the scores so the bookies can distribute the money accordingly. "Weren't you meant to be watching?" I walk to the R35 and she follows me, staring at it in awe.

"It's mine." I clarify as I dangle the keys in front of her.

"What?! How did you get it?"

"Um, Cole." I reply as I tap around on my phone.

"Did I hear that right?" She stares at me with a killer look and I nod. "I thought that ship had sailed?"

"It has!" I call out and sigh, trying to calm my thoughts as well as myself. "He just wanted to make me happy again, he said it wasn't to get back with me or whatever."

"Oh come on, Laurie. It obviously is. He'll say it's not so you go back to him 'on your own accord' even though he's planted the idea in your head in the first place." She tells me brutally. I stay silent for a moment, thinking it through. "I'm gonna collect my winnings." She says defeatedly before turning on her heel. I leave her to it and get in the GT-R to make the short drive to the hotel. The interior is stunning and the steering wheel feels so slick in my hands as I run my fingers over the stitching. I put it in Drive and smoothly pull away. I don't want to rag this car, I want to enjoy it.

I pull up and see Gabriel stood talking to some reps and Cole further along talking to some girls. They both see me and I feel like I'm in a spotlight. Cole steps forward through the group of girls, ignoring their previous conversation they were having almost reaching out for me to go to him. I barely come to a stop before tearing out of there as fast as I came in. Fuck this, it's too real. I cruise across the island to the coast and head down to the beach. I collapse on the sand and focus on the sound of the waves crashing. Cole got me the R35, but it's tainted with thoughts of restarting our relationship even though he said it's not but it most definitely is. Gabe and I are so similar and it feels amazing with him but are we going to last past the honeymoon stage? Cole and I have so much history. I did love him. But of course, this was all before he went to Nikki when our relationship was on the rocks. The more I think past my feelings for Cole,  the more I realize I'm not able to forgive him for what he did which means I have to give Cole the car back. I leave the peacefulness of the beach and speed back to the festival where I see the crew immediately.

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