Under The Stars Pt-1

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Pairings: Tao x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Slight mention of blood

"Boss," Tao peeked through the office door, "Y/N is here to meet you."

"Let her in," Frankenstein answered, his gaze lingering on the papers on his desk.
Tao opened the door wide for Y/N, flashing her a smile before leaving.

"You're early," Frankenstein looked up from his paperwork. "There's a vacancy for a literature teacher."
Frankenstein glanced up as the modified human— who he had recently taken under his wing— nodded at him.
"That will be alright with me."
Frankenstein's gaze lingered on her for another second before he nodded.

And that is how Y/N ended up in a classroom, standing in front of the half-asleep students.
"Everyone, cooperate with me and let me explain this poem. I will let everyone do whatever they want after I'm done."

Most of the students straightened their position, making Y/N chuckle. She flipped through the pages of the textbook as she explained the poem.

"That's all for today. You can now relax," she sat down at the teacher's desk. Being a fan of literature, Y/N had no problem teaching in school.

A few of the students came towards her, catching her attention.
"Yes, Shinwoo?" She glanced at Ikhan and Yuna who stood behind him.
"Regis and Seira said you enjoy playing PC games."
Y/N glanced at the silver-haired Nobles, who sat at their seats, "yes, I do play games as a hobby."
"Would you like to join us at the PC Room today?"
Y/N froze at the question. This student— Shinwoo— had some guts to ask a teacher to play games with them.
"I would like to," Y/N smiled at them as they walked back to their seats.

"I didn't know they would be accompanying us as well." Y/N glanced at the three men in suits, who were walking along with Shinwoo and Ikhan.
"Shinwoo invited them too. We hope you don't mind," Yuna rubbed her neck as she spoke.
"Oh no, it's alright!" Y/N smiled at her, ignoring her thumping heart. "But don't you usually hang out with Regis, Seira, and Rai after school?"
"Yes, we do but today Principal Lee called them to his office."

At the PC Room, Shinwoo and Ikhan teamed against Tao and Y/N, while Takeo, M-21, and Yuna watched.
"Shinwoo, I can't believe you lost!" Ikhan laughed, soon losing as well.
"Hah! Look who's talking!" Shinwoo teased.
"Ah, look at the time! I should go home before it gets late." Yuna said as she got up, glancing over at Ikhan and Shinwoo.
"I'll make sure she gets home safely," Takeo got up and walked after Yuna.

"Rematch?" Shinwoo glanced at Y/N and Tao.
"You want to play?" Y/N turned to M-21, who had been silently watching the whole time.
"No, it's alright," he said with his usual blank gaze.

"We won again!" Tao turned to Y/N, giving her a high-five while the two students stared at their screens in denial.
M-21's phone began to ring, putting a halt to Tao and Y/N's celebrations. He excused himself, moving away from the group to talk.
"It was Takeo," M-21 said when he came back, "he said he needed some help for some work." He then turned to the two boys, "it's getting late for children to stay outdoors. I'll drop you two off on the way."
Ikhan and Shinwoo glanced at each other before turning to M-21.
"Alright," Ikhan got up, motioning for Shinwoo to do so. Shinwoo seemed unconvinced but agreed.

"Tao," M-21 turned to his comrade, leaning over as he whispered something. Smirking, he left with the students.
"What did he say?" Y/N felt confused at Tao's change of expression. A moment ago, he was smiling and laughing but now he sat silently as if processing something.
Tao turned to her, letting out a laugh, "oh nothing, he was speaking nonsense."
Y/N stared at him, not convinced by his words.
"Want a rematch?" He asked before she could continue on the topic.

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