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Ari: You???!
Mr. Kim: Dear, do you know her?
Ari: Yes dad I know her. A week ago I met her in the alley where....
Mr. Kim cut her by saying
Mr. Kim: Did she hurt you anywhere? Why and how did you meet her in the ally? She should be punished if she hurted you.
Y/N pov
I just stood there hearing sir saying those words, which did hurted but couldn't compliant about or show that I am hurt. I don't know who is this girl. She does look familiar and we met in an alley?? Is she a mafia? But I don't remember any mafia this small.
Author pov
A week ago
Y/N was going to her car after handling some traitors and small but threatening mafia groups when she heard a girl shouting for help. She followed the voice and saw a few drunkards harassing a small girl. She walked to them. With every step the sound of her shoes echoed in the alley. The drunkards turned around and said
Gyu1: Hey who are you? Go away if you want to go back alive.
Saying he turned towards the girl. But after hearing that Y/N took her gun out and shooted all of them in the head. Y/N then walked to the girl and removed her coat and put it on the girl and helped her stand up.
Girl: Thank you for saving me from them.
Y/N: Alright. Keep your mouth shut about my identity. If you don't then you know what will happen.
Girl(with a shaky tone): Yes miss I won't tell anyone about you. By the way, I am Ari.
Y/N: I don't care, get in the car, I will drop you home.
Saying that Y/N got into her car followed by Ari. She then dropped her in her home and went away.
End of flashback
Ari told everything and Y/N too remembered the encounter of them in the alley. Everyone was shocked about it. Mr. Kim just looked at Y/N with a piercing glare and then smiled at all the others and said to join them at the dining table.
Time skip after having foot
Mr. Kim: I have an announcement to make.
All of them looked at Mr. Kim to continue.
Mr. Kim: Me and your mom will marry this weekend. Any objections?
Jungkook: Are you really marrying this weekend?
Mr. Kim just nodded his head thinking Jungkook will object to this but..
Jungkook: Wohoooo Ari will be my sister very very soon!!!!!!
He shouted, making Mr. Kim shocked for a second and then laughed at his son along with others. But there was someone who was ignored by everyone but didn't hold any kind of grudge against them. And was just happy for them from inside.
After the meet Ari and Ae-Cha left all the boys went to their respective rooms. Y/N was about to go to her room when Mr. Kim stopped her and told her to come to his office.
Mr. Kim: Now tell me why did you threaten her? And don't tell me that you did it not knowing who she is. I know you knew about me and Ae-Cha since we started dating.
Y/N: I did it so that we won't be exposed.
Mr. Kim: You are lieing and now face the consequences......
He dragged you to a room and opened the door and.....

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