Fifty-five | Reagan

Start from the beginning

The first night I was here I tried to leave my room but it was just after the guard changed and they caught me quickly. I just played it off like I was looking for Remy. Since then I've been trying my best to map out the estate by taking constant wrong turns to my room. Isn't busy, it's like we are just in the middle of nowhere. I could find a car and drive out. Act like I've accepted this and was allowed to go to the store? I don't know what the hell I'm going to do but I fear that if I stay here any longer I'll just run out of my mind.

If I get caught... I don't really know, nor do I care.

I think I've lost and will I had.

Making my way through the estate to the garage, I pass no one. It's like it's empty. There is no noise, not even a smell. Usually it smells like a hospital here but I smell nothing. Gosh, it just feels so weird. I trug to the garage quickly and quietly and still, no one is in sight.

Opening the garage door was very noisy. But it didn't give me any fear of waking up someone. I really just don't care, and I don't know why.

Back at the mansion I was terrified to breathe too loudly. Maybe the lack of fear I have is just because Nico isn't here— or anywhere. He was the main source of anxiety and fear back then. Or maybe it's just the lack of food or dehydration that is messing with my brain.

I get into one of the cars, one that's small and plain. The keys are right in the cup holder and the engine starts when I turn the key. It hums quietly before I pull out of the garage. This is too easy. No guards even stopped me on the way off the property. Suddenly a cold sweat washed over my body. What if they get pissed that I left? Shit, maybe they'll shoot me in the car.

Maybe this was a trap. I snapped at Remy earlier and they wanted to see what I'd do. Shit this was a terrible idea.

The road is clear until I come to an intersection in the middle of nowhere and there are three other cars coming to a stop and suddenly one behind mine. Oh shit shit shit.

"Take a damn breath, Reagan." I talk to myself. "They are just people trying to get home after midnight. Right right. Now, I arrived at the intersection first. So I go first." My hands wrap around tightly against the steering wheel before pressing the excelerator. I get to the center of the interaction when the car on my right pulls forward far too quickly and rams into the passenger side of the car.

Before I can comprehend what's going on, the car in front of me rams into the front of my car at the same time the car on my left hits the driver's side. I scream out of shock, my head hits the air bag— which doesn't soften the blow at all. It feels like I hit a bag of bricks.

Somehow I'm still conscious— foggy, but awake.

Each car backs away and gets out. Those assholes all have big ass SUVs with those grates in the front. While the car I'm in looks like a ball of metal, their's look perfectly fine.

"Reagan..." Someone coos disappointedly. It's Matteo, he opens my door. The only thing holding me up right is my seat belt— which the bastard unplugs making me fall out onto the road.

"Screw you." I breath, beginning to feel the pain from the impact. Something is definitely wrong with my collar bone, my leg or hip too.

Matteo crutches down to my struggling level on the floor. "We wanted to see what you would do."

"No shit." I mumble sarcastically. Matteo pushes on my shoulders, making me fall onto my back. I grit my teeth in pain, mentally cussing him out as I try to breath.

He sighs dramatically. "Remy had faith in you, she owes me ten dollars." He chuckles. "She really cares about you, ya know." He tries to guilt trip me.

"If she did she wouldn't send her boy to try and kill me." I grimaced.

Matteo suddenly grips my hair so hard that I feel multiple strands rip out. I let out a strained scream. All my nerves are hyperactive, everything hurts a bit more. Like the cold air on my cheeks, it feels like it's freezing my blood. "I told her you were too loyal to Alonzo." He continues, "And I know he loves you too but I want nothing more than to see that dick head to die. Keeping you here and keeping Remy happy is a win-win for me and her, and such a lose-lose for the Napolitani's." He smiles sickly, looking down at me while stroking his hand down my cheek.

I flinch away. "So you're playing Alonzo and Remy."

For what seems like no reason at all, he picks my head up by my hair and slams my temple into the ground before nodding his head and pulls me up before throwing me in the back of the sprinter that was behind me. I wince as I collide with the base of the vehicle. Damn. I've never broken a bone my entire life, this hurts like a bitch.

Matteo shuts the doors with a hard slam before driving off. I'm frozen on the floor, unable to move because every moment sends a lightning bolt of pain throughout my entire body.

Since I only made it ten minutes down the road, that's how long it takes to get back. Surprisingly I'm put back into my old room, I thought they'd put me in a cell for betraying them. Although, technically I only left, I kept my mouth shut and didn't snitch so I technically didn't betray them.

It didn't take long until I passed out from the pain.


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