The Memories

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After the sudden outburst of information, Gulf body suddenly give away as he fainted but before his body drop down on the ground. Mew jump on his feet and catch his mate's body.

Meanwhile, Than who was flying at his maximum speed suddenly stop midway as he overheard Gulf's voice saying 'I'm not Gulf Wongtrakul or Kanawut Traipipattanapong but I am Gulf Kanawut Wongtrakul Traipipattanapong and I remember everything'.

With a proud expression Than directly give his blessing through their private mind linked while Sek quickly stands by his side.

"Why did you stop midway? And why didn't you wait for me?"

"Did you hear that?"

"Heard what?"

Than with a questionable yet keeping his mouth shut just hakes his head and continues his journey to find the Black Witch, Aim for his revenge.

In the meantime, after receiving the acknowledgement Gulf's body slightly feel light before he fully passes out as Mew hurriedly bring him over to his bedroom at the same time mind linked the pack doctor to hurry his ass up to the bedroom.

Meanwhile back to Gulf and Grace as they were in deep sleep. Both of them were relieving Grace's past life when they were having a picnic with her parents before meeting Gulf.

The Wongtrakul sibling was present yet invisible to the others as they were there through astral projection form.

Not far from their camping site which is by the river, they saw a woman with a baby in her hands desperately trying to run away from something as she constantly look behind.

With distress, scare and in need of serious help aura coming from the woman both Grace's parents stand up and head over to the woman together with a year-old Grace who was sleeping.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" asked Grace's father who is a warrior while Grace's mother standing behind a tree not far from them as she could hear everything.

In a short dying breath of relief, the lady with a baby drop down on the ground, "I finally found you, The bloodline of Wongtrakul"

"How the fuck do you know us?" asked Grace's father.

"You family have a deed to pay from 400 years ago, now repay me by keeping this baby as your own"

The woman looks at Grace's father, as she reveals a naked baby boy sleeping peacefully.

"How would we know if you are telling the truth about the deed?"

"Your wife, she knows. Your time is up boy, keep this baby and the deed will be repaid. If not, doom will be bestowed upon everyone, not just you but the whole world of supernatural"

Quickly Grace's mother mind linked her mate, 'I made a deal with her to have Grace' in a small tone

'And the price for that?'

'Maw didn't tell me the full detail but she said,'

Immediately Maw look at them and explain herself;

"The price, all she needs is to take another baby as her own as Grace is this small baby's protector"

Grace's mother step out, nodded her head at her husband while walking over towards them and immediately Grace woke up, smiling while making a grabby hand as they walk nearer.

While Maw with her final strength, she place the baby down. Whisper 'I'll wait for your awaken my sire', bow her head before she put a necklace on the baby's neck then disintegrate in a smoke form.

Maw Jinna a high priestess from the witch clan, run away, escape from Aim the Black Witch Clan supreme priestess by giving up her own life to protect both Grace her successor in protecting Gulf before he reaches his full power and Gulf himself from the scent of Aim, the Black Witch.

This whole ordeal stunned both Gulf and Than as they never knew how big is Maw's sacrifice until now. Than who was there thanks to Gulf's astral projection spell, he manage to bring his father into the memory realm for that short period.

Grace's father picks baby Gulf up, wrap him with the extra clothes that he brought with him and head back to their picnic site, continuing to enjoy their time together just like a family.

Than who recognised Maw and Am's necklace instantly knew why Maw was the person who volunteer to bring Gulf's baby form away from there as she already know the outcomes of the situation.

With a nod of acknowledgement from Than, Gulf project back his astral form back to his body as he and Grace continue down the memory land, the good, the bad, the precious, the worthless of life could offer to them that shaped them for who they are today.

In the meantime, both of their mates were in a frenzy as Mew and Aran couldn't comprehend what had happened with their mate.

"So? Is my mate okay? What is going on? Doc, he's been asleep for 4 days now"

"Doc! What happen? My mate too!"

"Why both of them in deep sleep?"

Mew and Aran urge the pack doctor every day, every hour for the past 4 days as the full moon is approaching them thus making their action restless, agitating and emotionally unstable.

"Alpha, Beta. Both of your mates is just in deep sleep there's nothing wrong with them. Their body is just coping up onto them as from what I heard, the past 1-200 years ago they were being overworked"

"But it doesn't make sense why now? Why in deep sleep now and not after a week of settling down in my pack?"

"That part I can't explain Alpha, as it is still an unexplainable situation but what I can say is that, let them both sleep till their body woke by itself up"

"That's doesn't make sense. My mate is a werewolf why isn't her body healing itself?"

"That's... I too didn't know how to tell you or explain to you as this is my first-time encountering this situation"

"Fine, you may go"

In a harsh, angry and annoyed tone, Mew dismiss the doctor out from his infirmary as they both look at their mates full of worry. As the full moon approaches, both the Alpha and Beta, strengthen their patrol and security of the pack by training harder and restless till the day of the full moon itself.

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