Than Traipipattanapong

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Everyone who was still processing the thought of a mere ordinary human to be the one and only son of the greatest necromancer couldn't react as fast as they wanted when all of the sudden a small voice coming from the door;

"I am who?"

Everyone snap their head towards the door and there stood Gulf with the help of his sister, Grace as they look at them all while both of them entered the room. Like an attentive mate, Mew stands up and walk towards them.

He then helped Gulf to take his seat next to him while Than couldn't help but shockingly blink his eyes towards his son that looked the same as his previous appearance before the attack.

Yet all Than manage to ask is;

"M-my son Kanawut, what happen to you?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Than my son, Than Traipipattanapong"

"Exactly who are you?"

"I'm your father my son"

"My father died and so does my mother, 500 years ago. I don't know you so don't impose yourself on me by saying that I'm your son"

Gulf was upset at Than trying to impose himself saying that he is his father yet all he have to know is that his dead parents all of his life. Gulf's words don't seat well with Sek as she speaks up;

"Watch your mouth son, Than is your father. You wouldn't dare to speak like that to him in front of me"

"Who are you? His wife?"

Gulf stands on his ground as he looks at Sek's way in a slight annoyance while Mew holds him back by sneaking his hands over to his hip while constantly sending a protective aura towards him.

Fully known what happen with Mew, Gulf relax his body into his mates' while Than couldn't bring himself to speak fully aware of the situation that he's in at the same time he couldn't help but hold his tears in with the similarities of features and attitude to his beloved deceased wife.

"She's not. She's just an acquaintance, your mother, I mean my wife, she-"

"Enough. I'm not here to listen to your story, why did you attack us? Why did you attack me? Why did you do all of those things?"

Asked Gulf as he only want an answer to what happened earlier while his anger was directed towards Than. Than looked like a kicked puppy, look down at his hand as it was still covered with blood.


"He was under my sister's spell. He wasn't in his right mind. My sister bounded him under her spell the spell of 'chain of command' where he become her pet while his consciousness and memories seal in the necklace that he was wearing. Without his consciousness and memory, he becomes a perfect empty vessel that can be manipulated easily but what I can't understand is that why and how did you get caught by my sister?"

"I can't remember it, I seriously can't remember some of it. All I can remember is a fracture of what I've done in the past 500 years yet it's hard for me to remember all of them in one night"

"Hmm, I see. I guess she did play with your memory. Probably she cast a memory manipulation?" asked Sek as she turn to look at Than who raise an eyebrow at her question.

"She can do that?"

"Yes son, my sister she is the well known Black Witch and one of her well known powerful magic is memory manipulation although she can't erase Than's memory because he is the Elder Necromancer but she can alter them to follow her command. So what we can do now is to track your memory energy and twig it back to its place but I don't know if I can do it perfectly as my power is opposite hers"

Sek look at Than who nodded his head in understanding but before they start their memory retrieval Gulf couldn't help but ask;

"Sek, if you said that Aim, the Black Witch and she's your sister then who are you and how do we know that you won't turn your back on us?"

Gulf looked slightly pale as his wound started to give him a hard time and this didn't go unnoticed by Mew and Than as the both of them held onto each side of his arms while both unisons asked;

"You okay?"

"The wound is giving me a hard time"

He blurted out as he place his weight more towards Mew rather than Than.

"Do you want to lay down?"

"Do you want daddy to heal your wound for you?"

"No. I can manage this small wound"

The moment Gulf said that his body went into shock as he quiver in violence thus this made his wound open up and bleed out. Immediately Mew scoops him up and places him on top of the meeting table while Than quickly hovers his hand over to Gulf's chest.

He ripped his shirt open and the wound is in full display to the others. Like an almost ripped chest Than gritted his teeth while Mew growled lowly at the sight of Gulf's state, this action make Gulf forcefully open his eyes.

"Who did this?"

Asked Than in an angry tone as he tries his best to heal his son's injuries that slowly, strain by strain reattach by itself but this action take a major toll on his body as his energy didn't meet the specific requirement of healing even if he's an elderly necromancer.

"Stop that Than, you know your body isn't for a healing spell. If you continue this you will kill yourself"

Sek abruptly stands up, walk over towards Than and stop his action as she places her hands over to his but like a hard-headed mule, he remains unmoveable as he continues to send healing energy towards Gulf who gradually regain his consciousness while Than loses his.

"Move over, I will help you"

"There's no need to do so Sek, I got this"

"And watch my best friend, one of my oldest friends die in trying to help his son? No, I can't do that, not even your hard-headed self can tell me to do that. I won't lose another best friend now that I only have you in this world. Now, move!"

Sek push Than away using her energy slightly as she take over Than's healing stance but her action was halted as Gulf gripped onto her hand as he look directly into her eyes;

"There's no need to do that, I'm okay now"

Sek who was looking directly at Gulf eyes suddenly gulf nervously as he harshly pull her hand away from him. They both then blinked a couple of times before looking at each other again in a softer stare.

"Sorry, I shouldn't pull my hand away harshly like that. Are you okay? How's your wound?"

"Same here, sorry for grabbing your hands all of the sudden. I'm okay now with the help of Than"

Gulf seats up from his lying position with the help of Mew as they once again take their seat next to each other away from the table. Gulf closes his eyes, focusing on gaining his strength while Sek nods her head and stand in front of Than. She then pushes Than down as he takes a seat.

"I will try m best in mending your memories but the success rate isn't high so don't get your hope high"

"It's okay Sek, as long as you can help me twig some of it the rest I can manage"

Sek nod her head then focus back on gaining back Than's memories by hovering her hands by both sides of his head slowly slightly moving them in an open and lock motion as everyone look carefully towards them.

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