500 years later

149 9 0

The sky was cloudy, as the wind pick up and in a few minutes, thunder rumbling could be heard echoing everywhere and throughout the basement that was sheltered the two poor souls together with the other prisoners.

With the rain suddenly pouring heavily, the rainwater slowly creeps inside the basement thus making the floor wet in which force the siblings who live down there to quickly pack their things up.

Their sleeping place was the farthest, dirtiest and at the end of the basements that often flooded if its rain heavily.

As the rain helped them by pushing their plan forward they begin to execute their plan by gathering their little belongings and heading over to the main entrance of the basements without being noticed.

"Baby brother, you ready?"

Asked the older sister as she look at her baby brother who replied to his sister by nodding his head and a small voice, 'yes sissy' as they both look at their surrounding.

They quickly zipped up their jumper, pull their hood on, tighten their backpack and walk out from the basement while slipping away from that place without making any noise and head over to the main road.

It feels hours after hours of walking that seems endless, as they both heads over to the bus station where they will leave the country by bus. Their tiredness of living, their lack of energy, their lack of sleep starts to creep up on them and this feeling gives the younger brother to give up on their quest but soon after the feeling was there, they have arrived at the small bus station.

"Sit here for a second, I'll go and buy the bus ticket"

"Okay sissy"

The older sister head over to the counter and get them the first ticket which leaves in about 15 minutes as what she was hoping for prior to her accurate calculation and precise prediction.

The siblings quickly boarded the bus, waited for a few more minutes and at the exact 6 am the bus departed from the station, leaving the country that treat them like a speck of dirt on their sole and held prison in which they grow up behind.

For the first in a few centuries, the sibling takes their much-needed sleep while hugging each other throughout their journey without being bothered or being beaten by the others.

After arriving at the other country, they quickly walk over to the ship station where they continue their quest on leaving the place across the continent before they settle down, find food, work and shelter.

It's been a few days since their non-stop travel, going from one place to another, using bus and ships, repeating the process again and again and at last, they've arrived at their destination via boat.

Like every trip, both siblings will take their naps as much as they can in order to run away full of energy, but something about the country that they entered makes them shift in their sleep till they face away from each other.

The moment the boat enter the country, both sibling who was fast asleep could hear a crystal clear voice that says;

"Finally! I Found You"

This sentence startle them up as if they were being spooked. Automatically the younger brother turn to look at his sister who did the same with a wide eye. They both quickly crawl near each other, take their seats, look at their surroundings wearily as they gather their belongings.

The younger brother couldn't contain himself anymore, snuggle closer to his sister and whisper; "Sissy, did you hear that?" in fear as he look at his sister with a heavy breath.

The older sister, without thinking much, hugged her younger brother tightly, as she whisper and caress his back softly and said; "I did and don't worry baby brother I'm here. Don't worry, okay baby brother. I have never failed you and I will never let anyone do bad thing to you".

Necromancer The AwakeningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora