Chapter 28: Hold Your Hand Out

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I really need to find a way to get through to one of them. I'm guessing Caleb is still getting premonitions, so I sometimes concentrate and slowly move my mouth, telling him we've been switched. I remember him telling me he couldn't make out the words and I've been contemplating writing it on my stomach. With what you might ask? The answer is blood. I've not managed to clean it off enough though, as I have barely any saliva and need the water when he gives it to me. But desperate times and all that. Hasn't helped that I'm always dry heaving or expelling the little water or food I've had, when she enters a room with Tejus. 

I'll never give in to Decan, but I'm exhausted. And this one particular day he must be pissed about something, because he comes storming Into the room, blinding me with the light. He doesn't say anything just goes and picks up whatever torture device he want to use, which happens to be whip and he starts, slashing my back. He doesn't stop there. No. He starts walking around me as he does it. My arms, legs, stomach and face get cut up. If he's not careful he might just kill me. Then he speaks.

"Why would your father be rushing to get to you? He can't know she isn't you. So what would prompt him to leave his noble mission and try to get back to you?" What is he talking about?

"Wh-What?" It comes out raw and croaky. My throat is damaged due to the lack of fluid and constantly screaming. And slow, because I'm so weak. My eyes start to close of their own accord, only to pop open as I scream, this time from the knife he sticks in my shoulder. 

"I don't know what you're talking about!" He stands with a snarl, pulling the knife out. Then he's pacing.

"I've been making sure your father is occupied when Amylia is in your body-"

"Why?-" SLAP

"YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER BY NOW! DO NOT INTERRUPT ME!" He shouts in my face. If I had spit, I would totally spit in his face right now. I just grit my teeth and look at him.

"Good!... Your father might know she is not you and spoil my plans. He's been making his way to Amylia for over 2 weeks now. And he has finally managed to evade my men. Why is he rushing to get back though? What could possibly be his motivation, but you?" I just laugh. It means my mates definitely know something is up with her and have asked my dad to come back. Hopefully he can help them figure this out and they will know how long I've been pregnant too. I hate that I can't be the one to tell them. He doesn't like me laughing at him though and so he really starts cutting Into me. Until I eventually pass out. 

I open my eyes and find I'm having one of my favourite dreams. I Turn to see who's lying next to me, but I'm in bed alone, which is a first. I get up and head down stairs and head straight into the kitchen. I open the fridge and find more bacon than normal and extra milk. Looks like someone noticed my cravings, which makes me smile. I grab it all out and drop it in the side, then grab the flying pan. I lean for the tongs as I put the frying pan down and misjudge the distance, making the frying pan clatter to the floor. Whoops! I bend down to pick it up and put it in place, turning the cooker top on. I'm about to put the bacon in when I hear

"Princess" My head snaps up to see Tejus leaning in the doorway. And everything hits me. The agony I've been through today, the fact I fucking miss him so much, all of them but him especially, and I know it's because he's the father of this baby growing inside me. No. Inside her. But like every dream with him in, I make my way over to him and cry

"Te-Tejus!... I love you. Please don't be mad at me, I should have listened to you. I'm so-" He cups my face and looks at me and says

"Shh… goddess I've missed you. And I love you, but you bet your arse I'm mad! You need to start listening to-.... Princess?... Wh-What are you doing?" He fucking said it. The tears come then I laugh as he asks what I'm doing. I lifted his top up and crawled underneath so I could press myself against him. 

"I'm hu-hugging you" His arms come around me and he says.

"Ok. But why are you under my top?"

"Because I need to feel you... You feel so real and warm... Smooth... you're Perfect... You don't know how long I've been... waiting to hear you say 'I love you'... back to me" I close my eyes, snuggling into his chest as I squeeze him tighter and hope I never wake up. 

"Princess. I am real. And I have a couple questions, then I need you to do something for me" He always says that. I don't want to move yet though so I say

"Ok. What questions?"

"Your scars. How did you get them?" 

"You already know the answer to that. I showed you" His heart starts picking up speed and he squeezes me a little tighter himself.

"And the ring Zander gave you. Do you know where it is and wh-" That's an odd question. I pull back and say

"I took it off the night I mated with you. It's under the mirror in my bathroom… Why are you-" 

"Hold your hand out"

"Tejus, what is this al-"

"Princess! Will you just do as your told and hold your fucking hand out!" He snaps. So I hold my hand out. He drops something into it and it starts glowing. It's a moonstone. I smile. I can tell him in my dreams at least. I look up at him and wrap my arms around his neck as he stares at me.

"Shall I tell you a secret?" I whisper.

"Love, you know what that is right? It's a-"

"You're the father" He just looks at me dumbfounded. I laugh and kiss him. My stomach rumbles, reminding me I was about to cook. So I go and put the bacon in, otherwise I won't get to taste it. 

"Princess… How do-"
"You know, I've been trying to reach you, for… I don't even know how long. It hurts that I won't be the one to actually tell you you're going to be a dad. I have so much to tell you. That you need to know and…" I start buttering bread, thinking maybe he will want to eat too. This dream is painful because it's just that, a dream. I want to cry at the unfairness of it all. 

"What do you want to tell us?" I look up to see them all standing there, even Caleb and I can't hold the tears at bay. Dravon opens his arms and I crash into them with a sob.

"That I love you all" I then go to Blake, Zander, Sebastian, Keelan and then I hesitate at Caleb.

"I really wanna hug you too, but if you still need me to stay away... I will" I say, biting my lip, as more tears fall. He really looks at me and then he's pulling my head to his, crashing his lips to mine. 

"I don't get it. Why is she herself right now?" Keelan asks. I pull back from Caleb and turn to Keelan, but Caleb doesn't release me. 

"What are you going on about?...Oh shit my bacon!" I exclaim.

"Don't worry, Princess. I've done it for you"

"Thank you, Daddy. We appreciate it…. Now, I don't think I have long and I want to feel like I've actually been able to get through to you" I can pretend it's real. Maybe if I tell them in my dream it will help me really get through to them somehow. No harm in trying, right? 

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