Chapter 13: Yes Please

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After a few more minutes snuggling with my vampire I link Caleb.

"Caleb, are you finished doing whatever it is you're doing?"

"I'm just in the office, flower. I'm almost done with this, just give me a few more minute's. I'll come find you soon." I kiss Sebastian and jump up, heading towards the door.

"Where are you going, ma moitié?"

"Going to seduce Caleb. Love you"

"Love you too. Have fun" He chuckles 

"Oh I will" I mutter to myself as I walk down the stairs. Dravon and Keelan who are sitting in the living room and Tejus in the kitchen all stop and stare as I walk past through to the office. I'm naked, it's to be expected.

"What's up? I haven't got long as Kylie just- what are you-" I take the pencil from his hand and he looks up annoyed until he sees it's me. I throw my leg over his lap and put my arms around his neck. I point at the picture he was drawing and say.

"Is she more important to you right now? I want to spend time with you before I go. But if she is then I'll just sit here with you and keep you company while you work" 

"I'm sorry, flower. I just can't seem to shake this woman from my head. I'm scared for you but… I don't know. I feel like she's important and should be the focus and I don't know why! Just the way she looks and…. She's calling to me. Like I need to protect her and get her out of there. Wherever there is. But she wants to kill you so I… I don't know why I feel this way" I run my fingers through his hair and massage his head and temples. He hums in appreciation and wraps his arms around me and lays his head on my chest.


"Much. I'm sorry, flower. I know this is not how you wanted to spend your time with me bu-"

"I just wanted to spend time with you. I don't care how. I miss you. With everything happening so close to going to Declans…. I haven't exactly been a good mate. I've been abysmal and selfish. I punished you all for no reason and I'm sorry. I'm terrified...that one day I'm going to wake up and find that this... has all been a dream. That you'll all come to your... senses and leave me. I love you all. But what Tejus did really shook me. I know he loves me and didn't mean to hurt me and that he had good reasons, but… what if I wasn't his mate, ya know? He could have fooled me so easily and Decan would have gotten what he wanted-" He cups my face and wipes away my tears, but they keep coming. My goddess, what is wrong with me? I've gone from wanting some sexy time to a complete mess in a matter of seconds! 

"Shhh. Don't be silly. You don't have to apologise. And we're not going anywhere, we love you… What is going on with you, flower? Talk to me. You've never been a cryer and this is starting to worry me. Is this about leaving for Declans? You know you don't have to go-"

"I do! I'm doing it to keep you all safe….Don't you see that?... I don't want to do it. Declan terrifies me…. He's worse than the... Alpha that abused me most of my life... I could always fight back against him, but.. Declan manages to get in my head and… I need you to translate something into Latin for me…. I'm going to create... a spell in which he can't get in my head" I exclaim, Interrupting him. Now feeling a little frantic and out of sorts. 

"Woah. Woah. Woah. You don't have to do anything or go anywhere. We will protect you, baby. So if you don't want to go just stay. Stay. Do you hear me? None of us want you to go. And with this premonition…" 

"With the premonition I need to go even more…. I'm the only one who can obviously find this woman…. I know of her and will do everything I can… to make her not want to kill me. Maybe then your premonition will change... But you can't ask me to not do everything in my power to keep you all safe. And until Declan and Decan are dealt with you're all in danger just being my mates. I don't want you used against me…. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to any of you… especially because of me" He pulls me into him and holds me tight while stroking my hair, as I cry softly Into his neck. I feel like a big baby. I know he's trying to think of a reason to make me stay. But he doesn't have one. If any of them felt how I did, none of them would listen and stay. Because they too would do everything they could to keep me safe. 

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