Chapter 35: It's Not Working

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I see Caleb very slowly making his way towards us. I grab hold of Tejus's arm and teleport over to the others, and managing to teleport Caleb at the same time, needing them all together. Time is still going really slow, which is good. It should give me time to sort Tejus out and then get to them. I lift his top and look at the wound. It looks horrid. It's a deep red with black lines spreading over his torso. 

I press my fingers to his neck, feeling for a pulse and start to panic when there's nothing. I put my face to his mouth and nose waiting for a breath and nothing. I'm about to pull my face and fingers away when I feel one pulse, then nothing again. I started panicking even more, then I realise how much of a stupid fucking idiot I am. I've slowed time. So his pulse is probably faint due to the wound, but would be slow because of what I've done. I'm just thankful it's there at all. 

I rip his top in half and press my hands against the wound and with all I've got I start pulling the foreign substance from his blood, out of the wound with my magic, as I close my eyes and chant.

"Please work. Please work. Please work!" When I feel something burning my ribs, I open my eyes and watch in wonder as the black lines start to draw back towards the wound. Why do my ribs hurt roughly? My vision goes blurry for a second, then I look at the others still drawing the crap from Tejus. He had the bigger dose of this shit. I Iift one hand away and pull all three of them closer. I remove Zander's top and see the same black lines, but they seem localised to his chest. I'm hoping it means this poison isn't as deeply absorbed into him, like it is Tejus. 

I start to feel a little dizzy, but I don't care. I flip Dravon over, remove his top and his back is crisscrossed with black lines. Then I remove the top from Seb and see nothing on his front, so flip him. I don't see anything and think maybe he's just knocked out. Then I see a little black line peeking out the top of his trousers. I remove them and low and behold the black lines covering his leg, are most likely over his arse and working their way up. I found the wound in his outer thigh, so that's all the wounds located. I move them all so that they're spread out around me and Tejus. But they're all touching a part of me.

I then close my eyes again and send out my magic, hoping I can pull it from them all at the same time, instead of individually. When I feel my chest, back and thigh start burning, I know it's working. I keep my eyes closed through the pain, the laboured breathing and even hear everything around me burst back to life. 

"Flower, that's enough" Caleb says, but I can't stop. I want to, it hurts like hell, but I can't. They need to live. I see Amylia trying to creep away so with the hand I can move I send magic Into the ground and watch as she's incase by the earth. I'll get to her later. No way I'm I letting her get away with what she's done. 

"Kylie!... You need to stop!" I hear Keelan yell, bringing me back to what I'm doing. But I don't think I can stop though. It's like I've started something and it won't stop until it's finished. That means taking it all out. Knowing there's not a trace left in them. I was still pulling when my focus was on Amylia.

"C-can't… S-stop" I stutter weakly.

"You have to. Baby, you're covered in Black lines. I know you want to save them, we do too. But not at the risk of losing you and the baby. You need to stop" Caleb coaxed. I don't want to put the baby in danger, they and my mates are my world. But I physically can't stop. SLAP! 

"Did you… seriously-" My eyes pop open to see Blake infront of me, his hand being the one to slap me. He cups my face in his hands and says.

"Hell yeah, I slapped you. You need to snap out of it. This isn't safe for the baby. Tejus made us promise to keep you both safe. Don't make us break that promise" He says desperately. 

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