Chapter 5: Your My Life

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After sending Tejus away, I let it all out. My anger. My pain. Everything. I hate that it keeps making me sick too. I want to eat something and be able to keep it down. What is wrong with me? I don't know if I'm overreacting to everything. I just don't know! My magic seems to be going haywire too and everything starts to lift off the floor and spin around me. Everything breaks and crashes into the walls and continues to fly around the room. I just sit with my hands over my ears, my elbows resting on my knees as I rock back and forth trying to get myself under control, but nothings working. The emotions raging through me are too much to tame. 

I think I hear Kaida and Aurora but with the whitenoise in my ears I can't make out what they're saying. I scream. I've had enough of everything. It's too much. Nothing could break me. Nothing. Until they came along. Now I feel broken. My head is pounding and I don't really feel as some of the things flying around cut me and smash into me. I do feel as the blood starts trickling down my back and head though. I want it off of me but can't bring myself to move. And the noise in here is getting louder and louder. There's nothing in here that's untouched by the destruction my emotions caused. 

Then there's loud banging on the door. I can hear from out there, but I don't think they can hear from in here. All I hear is the white noise still, but then there's an even bigger bang at the door and I see it wanting to give way, but I reinforce it. Then Tejus shouts, breaking through the noise in my head. But it just makes me madder. I want him more than anything right now. To wrap me in his arms and hold me while he tells me everything will be OK, that he loves me and keeps telling me till I believe him. But I don't trust him. I just need to hear the words right now. I need to know someone loves me. 

As if I conjured it up I heard Caleb's Calm gentle voice. And he says 'We love you' and my heart slows, everything around me crashes to the floor. But the tears don't stop. Then I hear a voice that I would trust no matter what.

"PHOE. OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR AND LET ME IN. NOW" with another wave of my hand I teleport him into the room, looking at him with tears streaming down my cheeks. He takes in the destruction of the room and then his eyes soften when they land on me. 

"Fuck, Phoe. Where are you hurting?"

"Everywhere!" I whisper and choke on a sob. He walks over to me and sits next to me and says

"come here" He then pulls me over his lap and wraps his arms around me, as I wrap mine around him. And I continue to cry into his chest.  

"It's going to be OK, Phoe. You can get past this. You're the strongest person I know. And I know it may not seem like it, but they All love you more than anything." 

"E-e-ev-en...T-T-" I don't know why I care about whether that dickhead does. I guess because he now knows everything, I expect him to want nothing to do with me.

"Yes. Especially that idiot. Why would you think he doesn't?" When I hear feet on the stairs I feel for who it is and then teleport Katy in here too. She comes over and sits with us rubbing my arm.

"What happened? Are you hurt? you're bleeding." Katy says soothingly. 

"M-m-my… b-" this is ridiculous. I can't even fucking speak properly. I'll try linking it to them both.

"My b-back and he-head the most. Other-otherwise. Every-thing" Katy nods and runs into the bathroom to grab stuff to fix me up i guess.

"Phoe. Why would you think Tejus doesn't love you?" Logan repeats to me.

"Be-because I showed… him eve-everything." Fuck! Why can't I stop crying? He cups my face so he can look at me

"What do you mean by that exactly?"

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