Chapter 18: No Shit

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Over the next few days, I got to know the territory very well. All the people here are nice, polite and really friendly. Maybe too friendly. They give me gifts, be it food or blankets and nick nacks. Stuff I certainly don't need. They engage me in random conversations too, like… how do I like it here? Will I be moving here, which is obviously no. And ask me my views on things regarding the pack, because, and I quote, 'You're our Luna. It's in the job description for us to come to you with everything if the Alpha is busy'. Which he has been. Really busy, but he's been making time for me too and it's crazy because it hasn't been as bad as I expected.

He holds my hand and kisses me often. He hasn't even pushed to mate with me which I was again expecting. He's actually been really sweet and the grimy feeling has either gone or I'm just used to it. We all have dinner together, with Tejus cooking for me and I've only been sick a handful of times and annoyingly as he hasn't been forceful and what have you, I've stayed with him longer and longer. Getting to know him. I've spoken to my other mates daily too. I really fucking miss them and have had them all come and see me when Declan believes me to be asleep. 

I haven't heard anything negative in his or anyone else's head either. I'm starting to think that maybe he's just a tool and not the actual threat, that someone else is pulling the strings. The guys are not so sure and I trust their judgement but they are also biased, they don't like him because he kisses me and all that. But like I say he might be feeling it and it not be his fault. I've learnt a lot about him. His favourite colour is black, because it goes with everything, his favourite food is steak, he lost his parents and 6 siblings to rouges, many years ago and I feel for him. The only thing that's strange still is that none of us have met this Amy that he was on the phone to at the house. His so-called personal assistant. She's always busy. We met his cousin Amya. Who seems to be a constant fixture in my life at the moment, she's always there and I don't really like her. She gives me the creeps with the way she's always watching me, like she's observing me, I sometimes catch her mimicking things I do, it's weird. And the way she looks at my mates with possessive lust, really fucking pisses me off. I really want to snap at her. OK so maybe I've fantasised about snapping her neck more than once.. OK all the fucking time, but she's only looking and if they have to endure watching me being more physical with Declan, I guess I can tolerate the way she looks at them. 

One night we were all sitting eating dinner and I'm really struggling to contain my anger towards her. She's sitting next to Tejus and is flirting with him, which I can just about tolerate, but then she starts touching him. As he's in disguise as my personal guard so she doesn't know he's my mate, no one does, so to anyone around there interaction would be OK. But I'm so close to fucking zapping her it's not even funny. I'm feeling veeeery possessive over Tejus, my guess is because he's not here as my mate and so he gets most of her unwanted advances. And he keeps moving away but she shifts closer again. He even states he's not fucking interested, but she just laughs annoyingly and continues to flirt saying she will change his mind! Arghh! 

"Princess, you need to calm down. I can feel your magic and you need to rein it in"

"If I could, don't you think I would! Fucking move away from her!"

"Are you alright, my dear?" Declan asks, putting his hand on mine.

"I'm fine. Just a little tired is all"

"Ahem… would you like to go to bed? I-I was wondering if... if maybe… you would.. spend the night with me? We don't have to do anything but sleep. I'd just like to hold you. You leave the day after tomorrow and-" 

"I don't think that's a good idea. I can't watch her from there" Tejus interrupts.

"No offence to you, Jensen. But I wasn't asking you. And you can sit outside the bedroom door if you're that worried. We will only be sleeping… So? What do you say?" I'm about to answer yes when Dravon and Blake protest

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