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Space travel is boring and I missed the extra room I had on the Ebon Hawk. At least Qui Gon and Obi Wan were busy with the Queen. Only Anakin watched me as I moved with my lightsaber hilts from one pattern to another.

"Does the Force speak to you, Jenica?"

"When I call it and even when I don't."

"How come you got accepted and I didn't?"

"I have not been accepted. I have been given a chance."

"That is not fair." I stopped and down next to him.

"Anakin, life is not fair from the moment you are born until the day you die it is a struggle. Some never know their struggle others are crushed by it."

"But I dreamed of being a Jedi. Saving the slaves."

"A nice dream that require work, knowledge, power. You can do that without being a Jedi."

"So I don't have to be a Jedi?"

"But you will be."


"Anakin you are a light in the Force. They will see."

"They said I was too old too afraid."

"Fear a path to the dark side or a door to find your courage."


"Ya haven't figured that one out yet."


"So want to learn something cool?"


"Bring the pally fruit to me." Anakin got up and I sat him back down.

"No not with your hands. With the Force."

"I can't do that."

"Lift them up and call it to you."

"That is impossible."

"With the Force anything is possible. Your focus determines your reality."

"Master Jinn said that too."

"Watch this is my reality." I reached out pulled all the fruit out of the bowl had them swirl around and then dropped them gently back into the bowl."

"Wow that was cool."

"It is and you can do it to. You only have convince yourself that you believe."


"Breath in and breath out. Try to feel the room. Me, next to you, the seat we are on, the metal of the deck, the shape of the table ,then the bowl. Reach in the bowl, and take out, a piece of fruit." He followed my direction and the fruit lifted up and came over to us. I nearly took it out of the air as Anakin opened his eyes to see the fruit. A moment later the fruit exploded. We both jumped and he giggled as fast as I did as we wiped juice off of our faces.

"That was so wizard!"

"That is amazing for your first time. Check this out." I opened a bag and I pored out the bearings into the open air having them flow around in the air like a bubble of water flowing like a snake around my hands.

"Oh ,will I be able to do that?" I directed the bearings back into the little pouch and handed them to him.

"Take one and practice moving it around every day. Then add another some day and then another. Soon they will flow like water and it does not matter how many there are." Anakin did not wait and pulled one out and had it floating around in his hand. It would definitely keep him for a while. As we neared the planet Anakin was in on the bridge and I was leaning against the rear wall of the Queen's chamber on the ship.

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