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Coruscant was a mass of beings and buildings built on top of buildings. The sheer number of beings made the Force sing in a cacophony of colors. Coming in at the spot given to me by the pilot got me yelled at first by flight control droids and a string of beings from BoSS. I finally was able to land and my ramp was surrounded by Coruscant security and several BoSS agents.

"Teefive no showing your weapon. Arnine put your staff away." I lowered the hatch walking calmly up to them.

"Are you Captain Jenica Lour and this is the ship Ebon Hawk?"


"You entered into the Coruscant System in a restricted zone reserved for the strict use of the Jedi Order, Senate, and the Judicial Forces. This is a class I infraction requiring the immediate impound of your vessel."

"I was giving those coordinates by Master Qui Gon Jinn of the Jedi Order. I suggest you ask him."

"Mistress I believe they sent a string of code that could have been a clearance. I did not think it relevant since none of the control droids sent a query." Zerdy pulled the ship's datapad and then handed it to one of the officers.

"This looks legitimate, but we will have to wait until the Jedi Temple confirms as this also carries the Naboo Royal clearance." The wait turned out to take just as long as it did for the Ebon Hawk to fly to Coruscant. The squad of guards took off after the first hour and all but one of the BoSS officers as I searched the Holonet at everything that caught my attention. There was so much I could buy and even a ton of parts that the ship could really use. I felt the young man approach and held up my hand for a second and finished what I was reading before looking up.


"You are clear. Here is a long-term berth, you need to move your ship to. They wanted you closer to the Jedi Temple, but your certificates are still grounding you since they are from Hutt territories."

"Okay." He got on the ship with me and directed the droids to move less than five kilometers away from where we first landed. Zerdy, Arnine and Teefive could handle the refuel and resupply. The landing bay was still thirty minutes away from the Temple. Standing in front of the Jedi Temple was the most humbling and scariest moment so far in my life. I felt all those lives around me and the ones inside the Temple were stronger and brighter. Taking another deep breath out of an unknown number of them I finally took the that step that would bring me to the base of the steps and inside the immense building. Seventy-five steps in total sixty to reach four huge statues and another fifteen to get to the twelve huge monoliths.

Passing the monoliths, I feel why they were there as visions of the past showed several different time periods where space craft were used to crash into the Temple. It wasn't until I got into the Grand Hall that I remembered the grainy holo from 3600 years ago. Real or not the Monoliths made sure no being hiding in such craft could survive contact with the monoliths. A spherical droid flew up to her and after a brief scan played a holovid message.

"Young one, please, follow this droid and he will lead you to us." Were they serious? She had not been stopped nor had she felt someone take interest in her until the droid played the message and the closest Jedi turned away after seeing part of the message. Further and further into the Temple the droid guided me and I so wished for a speeder as the building was just that large. After several lifts, gardens, training areas, and smaller shrines the droid lead me right to the lift that would bring me to the Jedi Council. Qui Gon, and Obi Wan were just walking up at that time.

"I see the Force has perfect timing."

"Perfect timing?"

"Yes We have just arrived ourselves. Come."

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