He gotta be kidding me.

"Look Oliver's right." Liam said, reading my mind. "This place is flocked by the paparazzi. It's risky. We can't afford messing with the officials. Not now."

Hell no! I'm not leaving them alone here.

"Fine then. You go home. I'll stay here." I said.

"They're my sisters Rafael. I'm not leaving here." Oliver countered.

"You guys! This is not the time to argue." Toby interrupted. "I agree with grandpa. He's even nearer to both of them. Besides, we need information from that man ASAP."

As much as I hate their proposition, I can't deny that they're right. I need to think logically.

"Boss." Travis spoke in a hushed tone. "I'm about to reach the place in about ten minutes."

"Cool. I'm heading to get Vittoria." Toby said. " I see her standing outside the basement parking lot with two of Nikolai's men. I can't see Alvaro over there. Guess he left in the car which went out from there a few minutes ago.

After that I heard his footsteps as he hurried down the building while I begrudgingly sped the car in the direction of the mansion. Liam was still trying to revive the system to get Vittoria's exact location. Toby was keeping an eye on her. But we'd need that if they took her away before Toby reached to her. A backup plan.

"Uh, Oliver? If you aren't doing anything very important can you please talk to me." Liam quivered, clutching the roof handle with one hand while working on his laptop with the other hand. "Rafael driving isn't any better than Vittoria's."

"Shut up, Liam." Oliver yelled. "Let me focus on killing Nikolai. There's no way he's leaving this gala alive."

"No impulse actions, remember? Practice what you preach." Liam scowled.

"Don't tell me what to do, kid." He retorted.

"Shut up, Oliver. Move out from there. We can kill Nikolai later on. You go to Travis and designate the job of surveilling Nikolai to Jake." I ordered.

He grumbled in protest but I didn't leave him any option. I get that he's furious for the way Nikolai treated Vittoria but we can't lose track right now.

"Travis and Oliver both listen to me well." I took a sharp right, trying to cover the thirty minutes distance in ten minutes. "Beware of the Visitant. They can be present there for all we know. They'll surely try to take Camila back. "

Camila was held hostage by the Visitant for more than seven months now. It was our wedding day and that very day she vanished. Just like that, into thin air. All we could find in her ransacked room was a copper seal with the Shrouded Visiatnt's logo.

Our fight was never for power. We needed to find them to save Camila.

What irks me is that the Visitant never proposed a deal in return of Camila. My guess was that they had her taken so that they can bargain to force me down the Leader position so that all the power is solely theirs. But that never happened. I can't figure out what they want and why exactly they kidnapped Camila.

Last week's Sunday, when Vittoria was attacked, Nikolai suddenly called saying he had Camila. His explanation was that he found her to be one of the girls they were trafficking from Asia.

Do I believe that? I don't know. And honestly, I don't even care. He believed the deal I promised about handing Ava in exchange for his support was genuine. I used it to my advantage.

It was a difficult decision for me to take. I had to risk Vittoria's safety but I didn't have any other choice. I love her with all my heart but that doesn't mean I care any less about Camila. I hate that she learnt about her sister this way. I promise I'll make it up to her.

The Esztar Code | A Mafia Romance Thriller |18+|Where stories live. Discover now