"All the different ways I could kill him." I stated.

"And you thought you could?" He challenged.

"Duh! I know how to kill people now." I did a hair flip.

"With one week of training?" He gave me those what the fuck glares.

"Nah! With an alarm clock." I sassed.

I expected him make that annoyed Rivera face but to my surprise, he laughed. "But on a serious note, you are too reckless. You need to think before you act."

"Hmm you're right. If I hadn't been reckless then Luca's plan against us wouldn't have succeeded. Look he has won. He has broken us apart." I confessed.

"Nothing's broken." He mumbled.

"Are you lying to yourself or to me?" I searched his eyes for the truth but they seemed to be empty. "Look at that wall, Oliver. You think that family is complete?"

"He brought it upon himself." He dismissed it.

"You don't have to do this, Oliver. You don't have to feel conflicted just because you're my brother now. He's your best friend.  I know you care about him and you don't have to feel like you're doing something wrong." I said, hoping he gets what I mean.

"It's not because you're my sister, Vittoria." He looked out. "What he's done is unacceptable. I've seen his anger before. But this was just... I don't know."

"You know he has a small scar on the left side of his abdomen." He said.

I know.

It was on the tip of my tongue. I thanked myself to have stopped me from almost saying it.

"He was shot. He nearly died." His honey colored eyes housed so much pain as he looked far away, remembering that day. "He took that bullet for me, Vittoria. I'm alive today because of him."

My arms immediately wrapped around my brother, the thought of losing him causing a tremble to form within me. Losing him as well as Rafael.

"He must've told you about how the opponents snatched the powers by killing his father. But did he tell you how he got them back?"

I shook my head, already dreading the answer. "H-how?" I asked meekly.

"He killed them all."

"What?" I gasped.

"He killed everyone responsible for his parent's death and got back all the powers that he'd lost. It was a massacre. No one messes with his family and no one takes away what belongs to him."

I should've felt fear but all I could feel was pain. The world would see the monster within him but I could see the aftermath of his actions. Like I was seeing right now.

"I might sound crazy but please help him, Oliver. He's not okay." I pleaded.

"He will have to be okay. He's leading a mafia organization. He can't afford being broken. I might sound heartless but this is our reality. We simply don't have the luxury to get carried away like that."

"Yes, he's leading a freaking mafia organization, Oliver. But at the end of the day he's human." I yelled, not able to accept what he said.

"You of all people shouldn't be defending him." He snarled. "If you care about him so much then why don't you go talk to him by yourself huh? Tell him you've forgiven him. Can you do that? No you can't and you shouldn't."

This wasn't helping. Nothing at all was helping when it came to Rafael. I wanted to hate him and forgive him at the same time. It's like my raises up to slap him but then I see his broken state and instead caress his face with the same hand. I feel a gazillion undecipherable emotions that make no sense to me. The more I think, the more confusing it gets.

The Esztar Code | A Mafia Romance Thriller |18+|Where stories live. Discover now