Three hours passed in a heartbeat and the moment I dreaded was now before me. Sliding the chair away from the door, I peered out in the dead silent hallway bathed in darkness.

I had suspected Luca would ask for something on the similar lines. The reason why I did all the drama in front of Rafael. Good thing the coast was clear now.

I felt like crap taking advantage of his kindness but then I reminded myself that's exactly what they did. They used my belief in my brother to catch him. I also haven't forgotten how Oliver lied to me about letting us go once they're done with Mason. They were going to kill us.

It's possible that Oliver may really be innocent and that he didn't give out orders to kill Mason. But after all these lies, I can't trust any of them.

Ghostly wind, my only companion howled through the empty hallway as I stealthily made my way to the study. The chill it brought with itself was nothing compared to the chill of adrenaline spiking with every step I took towards my destination.

So far so good.

The mahogany door stood right in front of me. The doorknob felt cold under my fingers as I stood there contemplating about my choice.

It's still not too late. I can tell Luca I wasn't able to do it. What if I can't manage for myself?

Do I want to do this? Do I want to betray these people? Do I really want to get away from here?

Stop it Vittoria!

I needed to trust myself and be stronger. That's the only way I'd survive. There's no going back now.

With that I twisted the doorknob and entered the study. Like a deer on high alert I cautiously but speedily printed the map and grabbed a black marker to copy the markings indicating the entry points and all the spots where Rafael's men will be stationed.

Suddenly the sound of a pair of heavy footsteps came alive. It was progressing my way. My eyes flew to the slightly ajar door of the study. I panicked. They'll know someone's here. They probably do already.

I grabbed all the papers in a haste, my frantic movements causing the sheets to crinkle. I prayed to god the sound didn't reach the person. It was probably one of the guards. Trashing all the papers in one of the unlocked drawers, I cleared the surface of the wooden table and hid myself under it.

The footsteps came to an abrupt halt near the door and the creaking of the door indicated it was wide open now. I clamped a shaking hand over my mouth to muffle any kind of yelps.

"Hello? Is someone here? " A gruff voice called out.

That's it. He's going to catch me red handed. I'm going to die.

The Esztar Code. Betrayal leads to death.

Goodbye world. You weren't very good to me. But no hard feelings. I love you Shawn Mendes. I have a secret crush on you spiderman. There! Final confessions. I'm ready to die now.

My heartbeat skyrocketed as I stayed there in a crouched position, eyes tightly shut, awaiting my doom.

But then something happened. Those halted footsteps resumed. Only this time they were in the opposite direction. The lock clicked as he shut the door. The footsteps faded away and the silence returned.

Luck? Was that you?

I sprung back in action. Collecting the required piece of paper, I securely closed the door behind me and returned on my way back to my room.

I was halfway down the corridor. I could even see my room from where I was but stopped dead in my tracks when I spotted a guard outside my room. He was the one who usually guarded my room.

The Esztar Code | A Mafia Romance Thriller |18+|Where stories live. Discover now