chapter twelve

Começar do início

"Don't worry I'm taking it outside." He said as he headed out the door.

"Dylan please tell me you had a good reason for not being here on your day off?" I bounced myself off the wall and walked passed him into the kitchen.

"I was helping a friend. What a sprite? I think we have some cans left." I opened the fridge and grabbed two cans the last ones in the fridge. I made a mental note to pick some up the next time I was out.

"Who was this friend and what were you helping him with?" I offered the can and he took it.

"Well he was a she and she needed help with reading and doing her homework. Which reminds me, can you tell your wife that Alexiah has Dyslexia. Hu that ryhmes."

Wait so you were helping a young lady with homework?"

"Yeah, is there a problem?"

"Were you two alone?" I opened the can and took a swig.

"No, her mom had a very watchful eye on us."

"So you know her from school?"

"No I know her from outerspace-of corse I know her from school."

"Whats her name?"

"Alexiah Wood." I sat down. I almost imagined the room turning into an interrogation room. He sat down and took a drink.

"Marry's talked about her. Sweet girl from what I hear."

"And theres the cop I know. Man you were scaring me for a second there."

"Okay you don't have to be a smarta-alec. Marry is trying to get rid of swaring in the house before the little one comes."

"Good for her. Whens the little minny-me due?" He drank the rest of the sprite.

"In less then two months I think." I chuckled.

"And thats why Marry is the one with the child." He smiled. Then he looked at his watch.

"Well my wife is going to wonder where I am if I don't head home soon. Don't forget, two weeks from now I'll be stopping by. Hopefully for the last time. You stay out of trouble and who know's you may be off of probation soon." I smiled as we stood up.

"That's what I am aiming for. Nice for you to drop by. See you in two weeks." I walked him to the door. Standing on the porch was my uncle taking the last puff of his ciigarette and throwing the butt to the ground and stoping on it.

"Nice to see you again officer. Will you be by anytime soon agian?" Officer Grace coughed and then smiled.

"Yes, in two weeks. As long as Dylan stay's out of trouble then the will be off of probation soon. After his last court date the judge can say whether he needs to stay on probation or let him go." He turned to me and smiled.

"Stay out of trouble okay kid?" I smiled and shook my head.

"Will do sir. Say hi to Marry for me." He laughed.

"That's Mrs. Grace to you. Good bye Dylan." With that he stepped down the walk way to his crouser. I sighed and walk back inside.

"So Dylan where were you today? You were sapose to help me with the bed frame after school." I walked towards the kitchen. My uncle was tall but he was just a couple inches shorter then me and he alway's made me chuckle when he got mad. I walked to the fridge and looked for the ham. There was none, but their was bread, so I grabbed two peices.

"I was helping a friend with homework. She has problems with reading, and sense we had the same class I helped her."

"And what class was that?"

"History. I just read it for her. She knew everything."

"Whats her name?" I felt the room turn into an interrogation room agian.

"Alexiah Wood. You know I already went through this with Officer Grace." He leaned against the wall and he smiled.

"Is she hot?" I rolled my eyes.

" I didn't notice." He laughed.

"Bullshit, you alway's check out a chick when you first meet her. You're just like your father." I sighed as I put the bread in the toaster. He was right. My father alway's slep around with anyone who would have him. He tought me what is atractive in a woman. Her face, smile, eye's and body. I always looked at a girl like that. I did with Alexiah when I first met her too, but I wasn't going to tell that to my uncle.

"Yeah, well she's different."


Hey everyone! Sorry I havn't posted anything lately. Schools getting more and more my focus.

I hope you like it. Enjoy.

learning more about Dylan.

Vote, Share with friends and comment please. Love you all. :)

spotted red{On hold right now. bear with me}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora