Chapter Forty Two : Megan's Entrance

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"I am sorry you went through something like that. I know you have plenty of people to talk to but if you need me I will help in anyway I can. I know we aren't that close but you are my friend and Lucas wife. I will be there for you. I can speak for Richard as well. He will be the for you as well." Kevin looked at Richard.

Richard made eye contact with Charlie "I agree completely with Kevin." While Kevin was talking Richard put his phone away and tuned into the conversation.

"Thank you, I've pretty much made my peace with it. But I do appreciate the offer," Charlie said with a smile, placing a hand on Kevin's hand for just a moment then retracted it.

"Speak of the devil!" Lucas said as Megan came into the garden, she had helped Carmen carry the food into the garden.

"Hello, I'm Megan." she waved meekly at the guys.

Both of the men stood up and took the food and placed it on the table. Kevin stuck his hand out and gave Megan a big smile.

"Hello Megan. It's so nice to meet you." Kevin said.

Megan smiled and shook his hand. Richard also stuck his hand out and Megan was a bit wary. Megan could see why she was warned about Richard, he gave off an intense and almost dangerous vibe. But Kevin was super nice and friendly, still she would be wary around him.

"It's nice to meet you. I am Richard. Kevin's husband. Thank you for letting us take time away from Lucas and Charlie." That was Richard's bad attempt at breaking the ice.

Lucas had Megan sitting in between him and Charlie.

"So why don't we delve into this food and we can all talk and get to know each other better? Richard and I never get to eat like this. It's a special treat to eat out." Kevin said with a smile.

Since nobody was sure what to order they had ordered quite a bit of food. They had ordered a couple of things from a Chinese place and 2 large pizzas with Garlic bread on the side. With that the five of them got to talking and learning things about Megan and Megan learning things about the guys. Both men kept looking at their phones during the meal.

"So, you guys been talking about me?" Megan asked shyly.

"All good things, I promise." Lucas said before kissing her cheek.

Her eyes widened and she stiffened. She didn't know how Kevin or Richard would react. She didn't want to cause any problems or to create distance between Lucas and his friends. Charlie noticed and placed a hand on Megan's thigh to calm her down which only made her blush. But the guys didn't seem to mind.

"I hope that you don't mind. You are very important to Lucas and Charlie so we were a bit curious." Kevin told Megan.

"Also we are interested in someone and needed advice on how to approach them. We have had a third sub in the past but no one ever really clicked. We want this person to click. We both really like them." Richard said and grabbed Kevin's hand.

"So if you don't mind we would love to hear from you on how these to did to approach you. The last thing we want is to scare her or to make her think a throuple is a bad idea." Richard said looking at Megan and smiled a very small smile.

"Charlie um made the first move." Megan muttered, her blush deepening.

It was clear that she was very shy when it came to talking about sexual things.

"Oh, you mean when I pulled your panties to the side and-" Megan quickly slapped a hand over Charlie's mouth.

Lucas's eyes widened. They had never punished Megan before, she never gave them reason. But this? He would have edged Charlie for at least an hour if she had done this. Lucas sat back and watched what she would do. Charlie glared at Megan until Megan sheepishly took her hand away.

"You're lucky we have guests right now. Your punishment will have to wait."

Kevin chuckled hearing that. "I have a feeling you might not be sitting to well for a few days."

The five of them talked for a while. Poking a few jokes about how Megan won't be able to sit for a few days. Megans face had turned red and hid her face into her hands. They didn't want to ruin her time, so they moved onto other topics. After a bit Kevin figured it is time to get down to why they were asked to come here.

"Okay, so this has definitely been an enjoyable day so far and I am sure it will continue being so. Lucas, you said you needed some new security items or do you want to upgrade your whole system. We got some great new items. If you don't mind me asking what happened?" Kevin asked Lucas.

"I need to upgrade the whole house, and I need to get some things for Megan's apartment.

Our homes were broken into." Lucas told him with a sigh.

"Okay. Well how about Richard and I go to our room and we will grab the stuff I brought for you guys to check out. Also, I was wondering if I can see any evidence, you guys have of the break ins. Are there any photos of the people who broke in?" Kevin said.

"Go ahead and grab the stuff from your room. There was a picture that our camera out front got. I'll go get the copy I have." Lucas said.

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