××Stolas × Son!reader××

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First request!!

Requested by tok-kun5045

You were wandering around the Goetia palace, gazing around at the paintings on the walls. You sighed, finding your surroundings boring after having seen them for your whole life.

“Via, Y/n! Come downstairs for dinner my lovelies!!„ Stolas called for his son and daughter from the kitchen. You perked up, hearing your father's voice. You always favored Stolas over Stella. You ran down the stairs, practically flying past his sister as you did so. You sat down at the long table, taking a seat next to the chair at the head of said table.

“Good evening, father!„ You spoke, placing a napkin in his lap and slicking your facial feathers back.

“Good evening!„ Stolas replied, serving you and Octavia your food and sitting down next to you.

“You're happier than usual today, Y/n.„ Octavia commented, taking a bite of her food and looking up at you. You nodded, glancing over at Stolas.

“Oh, Via, Y/n! I almost forgot! I invited Blitzy over for dinner tonight!! Isn't that great?„ Your father spoke, excited.

“..WHAT?!„ Octavia yelled, sounding a bit like your mother. She calmed herself, noticing who she sounded like.

“The last time you invited him over you ended up making out the entire time! Why can't we just have one day without that red asshole being mentioned?!„ She argued, looking at Stolas then at you.

“Oh, I'm sorry, Via. I'll.. tell him not to come if.. i-if you'd like.„ Your father mumbled, looking down at his food and pulling out his phone.

“No, Dad. Let me talk to Via. May I be excused?„ You asked.

“Oh. Yes, you may! Excused, have fun my starling.„ Your father spoke, granting you permission to leave the table. You dragged Octavia up the stairs into your shared bedroom.

“Look, Via. Dad loves Blitzø, you know that. I know he caused their divorce, but he makes dad happy. Please give him a chance.„ You whispered, begging for Octavia to give him a chance.

“Fine, but if dad starts flirting with him I swear-„ You cut off your sister by hugging her and dragging her back down to the table, where Blitzø was already sitting. You sat down in your former seat and started eating once again.

××20 minutes later...××

Your dad was flirting with Blitzø again and Octavia had obviously noticed.

“Ugh, I can't do this right now!!„ She slammed her fists down on the table, running off with tears flowing from her eyes.

“Octavia!„ Your dad called after her, getting up from his chair.

“I think it's time I should leave..„ Blitzø commented, putting his shoes back on and exiting the palace.

“I.. I think it is, Blitzø. I'll see you in a week.„ Your dad spoke, walking up the stairs and to his room and leaving you alone at the table.

“Shoot.„ You mumbled, running up after him. You peered into the room to see your dad, moping as he stared at the ceiling.

“Dad..? Look, I'm sorry about Via. You know how she is about him.„ You spoke softly, sitting down next to your father.

“No need to apologize, Y/n. I appreciate all the effort you put into this family. Thank you.„ Stolas admitted, hugging you.

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