The Dam

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idea comes from: thegoodomensdumpster on tumblr
TW: Lots of crying. hehe and a lil bit of trauma
Word Count: 588

The Apocalypse had been averted and Crowley and Aziraphale were free. So free they didn't know what to do with themselves. It's true that they ignored their bosses most of the time and didn't actually work, but the new sense of freedom was almost too much to bear. The thought that they could do anything and go anywhere and be anyone without any consequences was scary. It was terrifying. They had dined at the Ritz and Aziraphale had been to Crowley's flat. Neither of them tried to hide the fond smiles or longing glances anymore, but it's not like either of them had confessed either. So when Crowley stopped at the bookshop after the Ritz and Aziraphale invited him in, he took no hesitation in saying yes. He took his sunglasses off immediately, knowing he didn't have to hide the fond look in his eyes. The angel smiled when his amber eyes were shed to light. He always loved Crowley's eyes. Aziraphale seemed different, and not in a we-just-saved-the-world-we're-free way. More like in a oh-my-gosh-I-don't-know-what-to-do way. "You alright, angel?"

"Yes. Tickety-boo. Why do you ask?" Aziraphale answered in a hurry, nervously intertwining his fingers. "I dunno you just seem you're keep something to yourself."

"Like a secret?"

"Not exactly. It just seems like you're hiding your feelings behind a mask." Aziraphale was quiet for a long time. They stood in the bookshop watching each other until tears started to pool up in Aziraphale's eyes and he walked over and fell abruptly into his favorite chair. He started sobbing, the likes of which Crowley had never seen. He got to the angel quickly, worried as soon as he saw tears in his eyes. He knelt down in front of the chair. "Angel? Angel shhh what's wrong?"

"Crowley. It's too much. I-I-I..."

"Shhh. Shhh. It'll be okay. I promise. Take it slow."


"Hm?" Aziraphale reached down and cupped the demons face in his hands. "Oh CrowleyCrowleyCrowley. My Crowley." The demon could feel his cheeks growing warm, either from actual physical touch or from blush he didn't know. Aziraphale let out a heart wrenching sob and Crowley cupped Aziraphale's hands with his own. "Crowley I love you so much. I've n-never been able to t-tell you. I just. Heaven was so mean. I'm a horrible angel and you are so nice and I love you so much." He continued crying and snapped his fingers. Crowley was flabbergasted when he was suddenly on the angels lap. Aziraphale had his arms wrapped around him. Crowley signed and leaned into the angel, letting him cry into his shirt. He put his hands on either side of the angels head and kissed him. Oh how he kissed him. Kissed his fluffy white hair over and over and over. Kissed his forehead over and over and over. Kissed the palm of his hand over and over and over. Aziraphale sobbed over and over and over. When it seemed like tears couldn't come anymore, he tightened his grip on Crowley even more, clutching at the fabric of his shirt. "I love you, angel. Do not ever doubt that. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. I wouldn't be here without you. I wouldn't be alive. Most of all I wouldn't be happy."

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