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Trigger Warnings: None
This is going to be a four part series I think. Maybe five if I feel like it.
Word Count: 928

You know her. I know her. We all know her better than we wish to know her. She is War and she is the birth of all violence. Or at least that is what everyone thinks. She didn't birth the violence, the violence birthed her. She was born in 1479 BC in Egypt. Most people believe that the four horsemen always existed, or that when they appeared they were adults and fully grown. This is incorrect. Other people believe that they were born as babies, very unusual babies. This is also incorrect. When  War was created at the human age of five in the midst of a battlefield. Her curly red locks hung down to her waist and her blue eyes sparkled as she watched the metal clashing against metal. Now, of course, as a newborn, she didn't know what she was doing but was just naturally curious. She made her way through the Battle of Megiddo without being harmed a single time. Most people would stop and gape at her as she passed. A little girl on the battlefield makes for a rare sight. She wore what children wore. She looked like a child, but there was something off about her that every man in battle noticed but couldn't place. Hiding across the way behind some trees, were an angel and a demon. The demon sat and stared at the humans, intrigued. The angel looked upon them in sadness, remembering the Rebellion. The demon, whose hair was the same fiery red as the little girl and had the same curl to it, was Crowley. The angel, with the same piercing blue eyes as the little girl, was Aziraphale. He had given away his Flaming Sword to Adam and Eve in the Beginning. The girl walked over to them, feeling in her bones that they were like her somehow. Aziraphale looked down at the child and nudged Crowley with his elbow. Crowley looked at Aziraphale looking annoyed, and then Aziraphale cocked his eyebrows toward the child. Crowley looked down. "Angel, this child looks like you...and...feels like you?" Aziraphale studies the child in front of him. "She's a horseman. She looks like you."


"I can tell. She is neither of Heaven or of Hell. She's the third horseman."

"Well, why does she look like you then?"

"How should I know I just met her! And she looks more like you than she does me!"

"The only resemblance is our hair, angel!" Aziraphale was about to reply to the demon when the child giggled. The supernatural beings stared down at her in awe. "I like it when people fight." She gave a slight wave to the two of them. "I'm War. I think I'm your daughter." The demon and the angel looked at her wide-eyed, and then looked at each other. After giving her a once over they decided that she might as well be their daughter and that they should take care of her even if she isn't. Despite what you may think, she was a good child. She didn't get in the way that often because she was out wreaking havoc. Crowley was natural with her, always comforting her and playing games with her, and singing her to sleep. When she looked about the age of 17, which was really only three years later, she decided to leave Crowley and Aziraphale and go off on her own. She never really liked being in one place for very long, even in the beginning. She didn't want to get attached to the demon or the angel, so she decided to leave them be. The only thing she really knew in her life, was that

1. Men fancied her.

2. Her name was War.

3. She had a very important job to do in the future.

These days guns didn't exist, but she was in fact very flattered by humanity when they came up with them. What the angels thought they used them for were "moral arguments" but she knew the dark side of humanity. She wore a dress as all the women did, and her red hair still hung from her head and ended at her waist in a waterfall of curls. She began to get lonely as time went on. That was until she met him. He had dark skin and dark brown beautiful eyes. He was wearing what the men wear. As soon as she walked into that bar she felt his presence. She felt him because he was like her. As soon as she pinpointed where the feeling was coming from, she began walking through the bar towards him. He must have felt her presence as well because he looked up at her when she began walking. She had never really loved anyone before. Yes, she had cared for the demon and the angel that had raised her, but love was a different thing altogether. When she saw him, she thought that maybe she could love someone, and maybe it could be him. She didn't know what it was, but she was yearning for him. She had a deep hunger for him that she couldn't quite understand. She reached his table and sat down. "Hello."

"How long have you been here?" He got straight to the point. He didn't lie. She liked that. "Three years, although its felt like longer."

"What's your name?"

"War. What's yours?"

"I'm Famine. Nice to meet you."

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