Protective Demon

432 10 0

TW: Knife
Word Count: 329

Aziraphale was relaxing in the calm quiet of his bookshop when a ring came at the door. He automatically assumed it was Crowley, but called out "We're closed" just in case it was a human. He was wrong. "Aziraphale."


"You don't sound pleased to see me."

"I was under the assumption that you were leaving me alone."

"Yes, well, that's what Heaven decided. I am done with you Aziraphale." He pulled out a knife from behind his back. Aziraphale had the sudden urge to scoff until he noticed it was a Holy Blade. "Gabriel. You are angel, how could you even think about doing such a thing."

"As you said, I'm an angel. You do not deserve the title." Gabriel came lunging forward at Aziraphale, and all he could think to do was back up and shield himself. After a few seconds of nothing happening, Aziraphale opened his eyes to see Crowley standing in front of him. He was holding Gabriel's wrist and Gabriel looked terrified. He looked like he was going to die from the mere contact of Crowley. "You stay away from my angel, or I will not hesitate to end you." Gabriel pulled his wrist away and ran. Aziraphale fell to the floor. Crowley spun around as fast as he could and was on the ground in front of Aziraphale. He put his hands on his shoulders and rubbed his arms. "Angel..." Aziraphale lunged forward into Crowley and wrapped his arms around the others waist. Crowley returned the embrace and put a hand on the back of Aziraphale's head and pulled him closer. "Are you okay? Oh angel, my angel. I was so scared I was going to lose you."



"Hold me forever."

"As long as you will let me." Crowley squeezed Aziraphale tighter, and turned his head to plant a kiss on his temple. "I love you. I will protect you forever."

"Oh, Crowley, I love you too."

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