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Warnings: Very slight gore (??), Burns
Word Count: 637

"Lift home?" Aziraphale stood there gaping at the demon, who was swaggering away towards his new automobile. He looked back to the books and then to Crowley again. He saved my books. Aziraphale hadn't even thought to save them and yet Crowley did. Did Crowley care that much? Maybe the angel did lo-"You coming, angel?"

"Oh. Right. Yes. Sorry," he stopped gaping at the books and walked towards Crowley. "This is a 1926 Bentley and she is a wonder. Hop in angel I'll take you for a ride around before I take you back to the bookshop." Crowley went around to the left side of the car and opened the door for Aziraphale. What could he say, he was feeling extra nice today. "Thank you, dear." Aziraphale said as he got into the passenger seat. He had seen plenty of automobiles before, but he had never actually ridden in one. He always stuck to walking or quick miracles that no one would notice. Crowley took it slow in fear of spooking the angel. They sat there in a comfortable silence, Aziraphale thinking about the books and the church. The church. "Crowley are you all right?"

"Hm? Why wouldn't I be?"

"You we're just on concentrated ground for a much too long period of time!"

"Oh, yup that. Well I'll be fine, angel. Just a little burn."

"You're burnt?"

"Angel, really don't worry about it."

"Well I very much will worry about it! Take us back to the bookshop and I'll clean you up."

"That's really no-"

"No buts. Come on now." Crowley rerouted and started for the bookshop. Once they were there he parked and opened the door for Aziraphale. Aziraphale snapped to open the bookshop doors and snapped to close them. This wasn't the first time Crowley had been to the bookshop, and it wouldn't be the last, but the amount of books was just growing. "Impressive, angel. You've got more books in here then some humans have seen in a lifetime!" The angel blushed at the comment. "Thank you. Oh thank you. That means a lot. Now sit. Let me get some cool water."

"Whatever you say." Crowley sat down on the couch and took off his shoes. The bottom of his feet were the worst, and he had burns all the way up to his calves. Holy Ground. One hell of a weapon. Aziraphale came back in brandishing a bucket and a damp towel. Once he saw Crowleys legs his face dropped. He hurried over to the demon and set the bucket down quickly, gently grabbing Crowleys leg just above his calf so he could get a better look. "Crowley..." Crowleys snake eyes softly pierced the angel as he looked at him. "Why would you do this to yourself?"

"Why wouldn't I? I only have one thing to lose and burning my feet is a small cost to pay for saving it." The demon whispered. Aziraphale just looked up at him. Blue eyes meeting gold. He almost melted under Crowleys soft gaze. His sunglasses had been shedded. When did that happen? He couldn't remember. He looked away, flustered. "This might hurt."

"That's okay." He moved Crowleys leg closer to him and started rubbing gently with the wet rag. He took careful steps on each leg, more tender the worse the burn. When he was finished he put Crowleys feet in the bucket of water and sat next to him on the couch. "Are you alright, Crowley?"

"I'm just fine, angel."

"Are you sure?"

"I promise." With that Crowley caught the angel by surprise by laying his head on his angels shoulder. Aziraphale breath hitched before he started stroking the demons hair. He planted a kiss in his hair, knowing that he would have to savour the moment while it lasted. It would be over soon, and they would be back to pretending that they were enemies. An angel, and a demon. It was their little secret now. One both of them shared. An angel and a demon, in love.

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