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TW: Storms, PTSD
honestly think this is the closest i'll ever come to angst lmaooo
Word Count: 428

Aziraphale was an angel. That didn't mean he didn't have human feelings. PTSD for example. Aziraphale hated storms. Whenever he knew there was a storm coming, he always tried to find Crowley and ask him to come over. Crowley was the only thing that made him feel better. The Great Flood had ruined his opinion of storms. Crowley reminded him of the very First Rain. So when a storm came on suddenly and Crowley wasn't there, he did the only thing he could think of. He collected as many blankets, three books, and a cup of tea and went to the quietest place in his bookshop. He wanted to call Crowley but the phone was too close to the window for his liking. He was under the blankets, covering his ears so that he couldn't hear the rain, crying. Unwanted emotions of pain and suffering from the Great Flood came back to him. He could still here the rain pounding on the roof, and could hear the thunder crackling. He didn't however, hear the bell above the door jingle. "Angel?"


"Angel where are you? I know you don't like storms so I thought I would come over..." Crowley searched the bookshop, finding the huge ball of shaking blankets and going over to it. He pulled the blankets gently off of Aziraphale's head and started stroking his hair. "'s me. I'm here."

"Crowley?" The angel turned around and looked at Crowley, tear tracks staining his face. He lunged forward at the demon and buried his head into the others neck. Crowley rubbed his back. "Shhh. It's okay, darling. I'm here." Aziraphale sniffled. The sudden affection from Crowley was making his heart feel like it was being squeezed. He was never this nice to him. "It's okay angel I've got you. My angel." Aziraphale cried into the demons neck. When he was done he pulled away, his arms still firmly around Crowley's waist. "Crowley?"


"How did you know to come?"

"I know you don't like storms and you hadn't called I came."

"Thank you, dear."

"Oh you are so welcome, darling." That was the first time Crowley had ever responded to a 'thank you' with a 'you're welcome' and Aziraphale was taken aback for multiple different reasons. "Darling?"

Crowley sighed, "Yes. My darling, my angel, my love." Crowley brought Aziraphale closer to him, and they sat in an embrace on the floor. "Oh, my angel. I love you."

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