Nina" Okay, so we just have to get it perfect every time"

We are all unconvinced and it confirms it when we only manage to get it right once, all the other attempts end up with the log on the grass.

Nina" So out of ten times we have got it right perfectly once"

Patricia" What if we practise it more again tomorrow"

I watch Nina I know she can hear the spirit, I know her face.

Nina" We can't wait that long, we should sneak down during lunch, while Vera's on a shopping run"

Fabian" It will have to be later tonight, Joy asked me to, well I've got to be a study buddy."

Nina" After lights' out then"

Fabian*sighs* Nina, wait"

The rest look at Fabian and sigh before leaving, I give Fabian a long hard stare before I walk off.  

Charlie's POV

I was sitting on my bed looking at my maths homework, none of it was going in, I was never good at maths and probably never would be, when teachers talked numbers to me it just went straight over my head. I threw it at the end of my bed in frustration and groaned loudly. My brother then stuck his head around the door.

Eddie" Hey, what's going on in here"

Charlie" I'm stuck on my maths homework, I got frustrated so I threw it at the end of the bed"

Eddie" Thats something else we have in common then, I'm terrible at maths, I always used to skip the classes"

Charlie" Me too, I got stuck in a class where the teachers hated me and the students hated me so I just ditched the class, Jason was never impressed"

Eddie" Neither was my Aunt, she grounded me a lot, I always snuck out though"

Charlie" Yeah Jason was never like that, I want to say he was a soft touch, he let me get away with a lot"

Both twins sit on the bed and cuddle, like they had been doing since they met each other.

Eddie" So are you still on board with my plan?"

Charlie" What your plan to give all the students and Eric snails?"

Eddie*nods* Yeah that plan"

Charlie" Of course I am, it will be hilarious to see the look on Eric's and Patricia's faces, wait how did you know they were snails"

Eddie" I may have been rubbish at maths, but I paid attention in French class"

Nina's POV

The wait until lights out is agonising, I couldn't wait to get down to the tunnels to hopefully get the beam over the chasm, all day I have had the spirits voice whispering to me all day. It was a sort of a huge relief when eleven o clock rolls round and we both head down to the cellar door.

Nina" "He's left it unlocked."

Patricia" Why would he leave it unlocked?"

Fabian"It's okay. Come on."

When we reach the chasm we all reach to pick up the beam and with teamwork lift it up on its end.

Nina" Okay, ready we only have one go at this, everyone ready?"

Everyone chorus yes and on the count of three we let it go. We all then cheer as the beam lands perfectly on the ledge.

Amber" So who is going first?"

Patricia Wow, don't all jump at once"

We all start arguing and exchanging conversations, then I see that Patricia has attempted the beam and is now walking across it.

  Patricia "I don't know what all the fuss is about,"I mean, it's a piece of cake."

  Nina" Patricia be careful"

Then we all gasp and jump back as swinging pendulums with very sharp edges begin swinging very very fast across.

Patricia" Okay, yeah well this complicates things"

Story Notes

So the Sibuna gang have managed to get the beam across the chasm but now face a new challenge with the pendulums, will they figure it out?.

And since Eddie knows French both twins now have a plan to get back at Patricia.

Authors Notes

Let me know what you think. I hope you liked it.



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