The Revealing

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Now, let me tell you what exactly I saw after describing every little detailed view in the prior scene. I encountered with not as such as I interviewed in the beginning. Rather, it was all opposite.

There was a confused form of me, hesitating even to stand at a place where I really deserve. I see myself as a past girl, wondering it was really me. You see, I didn’t even realised it was me like this. This past form of me was totally covered with what not things and thoughts. To
be very clear & highlighted, I saw my flaws in depth.

All those imagination (beautiful) that were actually an imagination was roaming around my mind as an expectation when my eyes were closed. And as water splashed on it, I bounced
to a real world. Disappointed by myself, I was hurt. My flaws were appearing in front of me as in mirror.

"When for real, we see ourselves in mirror, we can see just our skins reflection. Not we

This was the time, when I really saw me in a mirror but the inner form. That was totally opposite.

Me, in my mind, is the real me inside. Not the reflection of my skin in mirror.

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