Chapter 13: Festival Fever

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Groaning slightly Edward shuffles awake. Slowly, he makes his way to the bathroom and gets ready.

Leaving the bathroom, he notices the rest of his team finally awake.

Edward: Damn, I woke up first for once. Dante would be astonished.

Blake: *Yawn* Who's Dante?

Edward: My brother. He's a really early riser.

Blake: I didn't know you had a brother.

He just shrugs and makes his way to get breakfast.

While wondering the halls, he bumps into some exchange students for the festival. Without looking, he accidentally knocks over the girl with darker skin and green hair.

Edward: Ah crap, sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going.

He offers her his hand and she accepts it.

???: Its fine. Neither was I.

Edward: I'm Edward, you?

???: Emerald.

Edward: Well, it was nice to meet you Emerald. I'll catch ya later, I got to go.

He leaves in a hurry.

Emerald: He was nice.


Its later in the day and Team RWBY had just finished their first match-up in the tournament.

Ruby: Is anyone else starving?

Edward: I'd say you earned some food. Here.

He gives Ruby a credit card, she stares at it confused.

Edward: It's mine. I've taken plenty of side jobs over the years that there's plenty there. Think of it as my participation since I can't actually participate in the matches.

Weiss: Well, that's thoughtful but we could always use my card. As the Schnee heiress, I have plenty of money.

Edward: Well, I want to pay. So, put your money away and use mine.

Yang puts an arm around him, "Thanks. Mind if I borrow it later?"

He removes her arm and just shrugs, "Sure. I could always just yoink Dante's cash if need be. Anyway, I have business with Ozpin, so I'll be leaving."

Blake: What's he need?

Edward: I'm not sure. He said he would call but I've got nothing better to do so I'm just gonna show up unannounced.

Weiss: Makes sense for you.

The team and Edward depart as Edward starts making his way to Ozpin. Though, he doesn't get to far before running into Penny.

Penny: Oh, hello Edward. I didn't think I'd find you here.

Edward: You almost didn't. I was just about to leave.

Penny: So was I. I was hoping to find some I knew before I left.

Edward: Well, I don't have anything to do and it seems that you don't either. Wanna talk?

Penny: Of course. Where should we start?

Taking a moment to think, Edward responds, "How have you been since we last saw each other?"

Penny: Oh, I've been excellent. I'm now truly combat ready.

Edward: That's good to hear. Do you know when your team is up in the tournament.

Penny: Nope. What about you?

Edward: I'm not participating this year. I'm the fifth member of a four person team, so I ended up having to opt out this time.

Penny: Well, there's always next year!

Edward couldn't help but just stare at Penny due to her never ending positivity, "She can't be human. She's way to precious!"

They talk for only a few more minutes before Edward is called by Ozpin. Having to leave, he says his goodbyes to Penny and makes his way to the tower.

On his way to the elevator, he runs into another person he doesn't know. Like seriously, stop running into random people.

Edward: Oh, I'm sorry. Errr... lieutenant?

???: Yes, and its quite alright. I had my mind on other things as well. Who may you be?

Edward: I'm Edward Thorn, a first year here at Beacon. You would be?

Winter: Winter Schnee. If I may, you seem a little old to be a first year?

Edward: Yeah, I know. I haven't been home in a couple a years. So, instead of enrolling at 18, I was invited at 24.

She looks at him decisively for a moment, "Hmm, then that's means you have more to live up too. A higher standard to hold yourself at."

He sweatdrops a little and rubs the back of his head, "Well, I never really thought of it like that. I was just going to live my life like an adventure, maybe write a book on my journeys."

Winter: If that is how you want to live, then I'm not stopping you. I wish you well and hope to meet again sometime. Good day.

Edward: Good day to you too.

She leaves and Edward enters the elevator finally.

Edward: I really hope he's not gonna put me on something boring like guard duty.

He steps out of the elevator and sees Irondick and someone else bickering.

All bickering stops though upon his arrival as all eyes fall on him.

Edward: Take a picture it'll last longer.

Irondick- I mean Ironcock - I mean Ironwood rolls his eyes while the unknown man chuckles slightly before drinking from his flask.

Seeing an opportunity to ease some of the tension between others, Ozpin introduces Edward.

Ozpin: Well, for those who don't know, this is Edward Thorn. He's a first year here at Beacon and one of the few students I can trust.

Ironwood scoffs slightly, "So this is who you chose to trust. This boy was bleeding to death the first time I saw him. He would die on any other mission."

Edward: Just so you know Ironwood, I wouldn't talking about battle injuries mister no-dick simmons. I wasn't the one that brought an axis power to a school event that could possibly be attacked just to flex I have more power than someone else.

???: See! That's what I'm saying! I like this kid. *Turns to Edward* 'Sup, I'm Qrow.

He and Edward have a little fist bump before getting back to the topic at hand.

Ozpin: With introductions out of the way, I would like to explain why Mr. Thorn here was told to meet us here.

He stands up and walks over to Edward before standing beside him.

Ozpin: From this day forward, he will be the newest member of our inner circle.

Everyone in the room seems to be surprised by this, even Edward who doesn't know what the inner circle is.

Goodwitch: You can't be serious! He may be older than the other students but that doesn't mean a first year barely in their 4-year tenure is ready for a responsibility like this!

Ozpin: Oh, but I'm very sure. I have seen first hand how knowledgeable Mr. Thorn is behind his comedic persona and I know you have seen it too Glynda.

She looks as though she wants to continue arguing but realises what Ozpin said is true.

Qrow takes another sip of his flask, "Today just keeps getting better and better." Then realised his flask is empty, "Scratch that, the peak has been reached. Not going any higher now."

Ozpin takes a seat at his desk once again, "Now with all the excitement out of the way, shall we prepare round 2 of the tournament?"

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