Chapter 2: Welcome to Beacon

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???: I can't believe my baby sister's going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!

As of right now, Edward is with Ruby and her sister on a Bullhead heading to Beacon Academy. Ruby's sister, Yang, has Ruby in a very tight hug.

Ruby: Yang... please stop...

Yang lets go of the hug, "But I'm so proud of you!"

Edward: Yeah Ruby, not only are you going to Beacon, your going to Beacon 2 years ahead.

Ruby: Yeah, I just don't want people to think I'm special or anything.

Edward puts a supportive hand on her back, "Don't worry, it'll be fine."

The three stand in an awkward silence for a few seconds before Ms. Goodwitch appears on a monitor.

Goodwitch: Good evening, My name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are among the privileged few who've had the honor to attend this prestigious academy.

Edward: Yeah, don't care.

He sits down by a window and zones out for a little while. Edward is broken out of his zone by a blonde boy vomiting in a nearby trashcan.

Edward: Dude, gross. It's getting everywhere.

Edward hears in the distance Ruby telling Yang that vomit got on her shoe, Yang starts freaking out. He silently laughs.


Edward: This place is big as Fuck!

Yang: That's what he said.

Edward wheezes hard at Yang's remark.

When Edward regains his composure, Ruby is seen fangirling over all the other students weapons.

Yang pulls Ruby's hood to calm her down.

Ruby: Ow ow.

Yang: Easy there, sis. They're just weapons.

Ruby seems hurt by this comment, "Just weapons? They are an extension of ourselves. They are just so cool."

Yang: Well, why don't you swoon over your own weapon, aren't you happy with it.

Ruby pulls out her scythe and cradles it on her shoulder, "Of course I'm happy with Crescent Rose. I just really like seeing new ones."

Edward: Weapons are amazing. Each has their own story to tell. My pistols have seen every shot hit it's target.

Yang: Noice.

As the three are talking, Yang leaves with a crowd of her friends. This just leaves Edward and Ruby.

Edward: So, we should probably find where we're supposed to meet up.

Ruby: Yeah, probably.

While walking, Ruby accidentally trips over some rich girls luggage. The rich girl immediately becomes irritated at Ruby.

Rich Girl: What do you think you're doing!? Do you know how much damage you could have caused!?

Edward: Hey, I know she knocked over your stuff but it was obviously an accident.

Rich Girl: I don't care of it was an accident, this is Dust.

Edward: So?

The rich girl is getting even more irritated as the conversation progresses. She pulls out a glass bottle full of Fire Dust to emphasize what could have happened.

Rich Girl: If this would have been broken, it could have very well-

Due to waving the Dust around, it causes Ruby to sneeze and cause an explosion.

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