"Welcome to South Carolina, Miss Cashmere. I've been looking forward to meeting you in person."

"Likewise. I listened to one of your podcast interviews on the way here. I'll admit that I'm not as current with college basketball stats as I am with college track, but I was really interested in your backstory. I didn't know your parents were from Nigeria."

It turned out Coach Bello was happy to talk about herself, and despite the queasy feeling in my gut due to a serious lack of lunch, I managed to impress her and all the other people she introduced me to. When I called Cabe, I was on top of the world.

"They offered me the position! Can you believe it? My first interview straight out of the gate."

"Who wouldn't want a funny, intelligent, enthusiastic person on their staff? You're the whole package, June."

"And you have perfected the art of flattery. But thanks. I know you're not just saying that to get me in the sack."

He chuckled. "Now you've got me imagining you wearing nothing but a sack."

"Sounds sexy. Is it made of silk or burlap?"

"I would never torture your sweet skin with burlap. It's definitely silk. So, did you tell them yes?"

"Not yet. I want them to think I have other options. But this is my dream job, so I plan to tell them yes on Monday."

"I'm really happy for you."

"I miss you."

I didn't know why I'd said it. It wasn't my norm. I blamed that dammed enthusiasm. Cabe was all over it before regret set in.

"Come to Georgia tonight. It's only three hours."

"It's tempting, but I just spent six and a half hours on the freeway. I'm beat. I'll find a nice unassuming hotel with free breakfast and crash for eight hours. I'll see you around noon tomorrow."

"I'll have the image of you and your silky sack to keep me motivated until then."

"I'm sorry. That doesn't sound sexy no matter how much you dress it up."

"I'll come up with something better before you get here."

The first thing I did when I hung up was search for a hotel with a bar. To hell with free breakfast, I needed to celebrate my win. When I located an Embassy Suites with a restaurant and bar, I set my GPS and hauled ass to salvation. I was seriously starving.

I didn't expect the place to be as crowded as it was. Of course, it was a Friday night, but I wasn't exactly at The Ritz. I settled in at the bar and watched the bartender for a bit. It didn't take long before I understood why the place was so packed. The guy had mad mixing skills.

He created a cocktail that changed colors, a smoked old fashioned under glass, and he delivered a flaming zombie in a jumbo-sized bowl to a trio of women who barely looked old enough to drink it.

When he caught me admiring him, he slid a menu across the bar to me. "I'll be with you in a sec."

"I'll be right here."

He left me with a smile that hit me in my girl parts, and I opened the menu to give my eyes a place to go besides his backside. But soon enough, my attention was drawn back to the show. There was something sexy about the way he handled the bottles and the confident look on his face as he prepared his creations. I was tempted to order something fancy just to get off on it.

"See anything you like?" Sir Mixalot and his smile returned, and I was tempted to request his ass on a silver platter, but that would have been completely inappropriate.

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