Chapter 36: Epilogue

Start from the beginning

"You look absolutely stunning."

I spin around and see my uncle leaning against the doorframe with a proud grin on his face. "Thank you," I say, giving him a smile. He opens his arms and I wrap my arms around him, giving him a tight hug.

"I can't believe my little girl is getting married," he mumbles into my hair. "But I am so happy and proud of you. I was so worried that you would get married to some jerk that your parents set you up with and would end up unhappy but you didn't. You stood up for yourself and I am so proud of you. You got yourself a keeper, you know."

"Yeah, he's pretty amazing."

"I love you so much Bella and you will always be my daughter."

My eyes fill with tears but I quickly wipe them away so I don't ruin my makeup. "And you will always be my dad," I tell him, kissing his cheek. He smiles softly before releasing me and holding out his arm. "Let's go get you married," he says.

I take his arm and we walk out together. I'm so nervous, I just hope I don't fall. I look up and lock eyes with Colton. He's grinning from ear to ear and I can see tears glistening in his silver eyes. He looks so handsome in his black dress pants, white shirt, and black tie. When I reach him he grabs my hand and Joseph gives me one last kiss on the cheek before walking to his seat. Colton takes both my hands in his and squeezes them lightly. "You look so beautiful," he mouths. I smile.

The ceremony starts and we exchange rings. We decided not to do vows because we're going a bit untraditional with them.

"Do you Colton Lydon James take Isabella Marie Steven to be your lawfully wedded wife," the priest asks?

"I do," Colton replies in a strong, clear voice.

"And do you Isabella Marie Stevenson take Colton Lydon James to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," I replied.

"If there is anyone who thinks that these people should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Everyone is silent.

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Colton doesn't need to be told twice. He dips me down and crashes our lips together in a passionate kiss. A feeling of complete rightness fills me as his lips meet mine and I can't believe that this beautiful man is my husband. The crowd claps and cheers. When we pull away Colton leans up and whispers in my ear "finally your Mrs. James."

"Yeah, I am," I say happily.

He hugs me tightly before we walk back down the aisle hand in hand, our family and friends cheering. Now it's time for the reception.

We walked across the beach together with the rest of our friends and family to the reception hall. It's a wooden building that's full of windows with a view of the ocean. Colton and I stay outside for a minute because Noah says he needs to introduce the newlyweds.

"So may I present my best friend in the world who finally manned up and got the sweetest girl in the world to marry him. Colton and Bella James!"

We come in and Maria jumps on me squealing "I'm so excited!" We walk around and give everyone hugs and kisses. I have to stay with Aunt Racheal for a minute to get her to stop crying. Colton who had been talking to Noah comes back over and wraps his arm around my waist.

He holds his hand out to my uncle. "Nice to see you again," Colton says respectfully. 

"You to son," he replies. "You've got yourself a great girl there. I've always considered Bella my daughter so you better take care of her. Understand?"

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