Chapter 2: My Angle

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Colton's POV:

Today is the worst day of my life. Ok so let me explain. A week ago I found that I have osteosarcoma, which is a type of bone cancer. They found a tumor in my left leg which means they have to amputate my leg up to the top of my thigh. I also have to go through a round of chemo to make sure cancer doesn't spread. When I found out, the doctor and the nurses expected me to be sad. Maybe they expected me to cry but anyone who knows me at all knows I don't cry in front of people I don't trust, I get angry. So anyway today is the day when I get my room at the hospital because I have my first chemo tomorrow. I park my car in the lot and head for the doors. But suddenly it hits me. I have cancer. I'm going to lose part of my leg and there's nothing I can do about it. I storm around the corner into the alley behind the hospital and before I can stop myself I slam my fist into the wall. I clench my fists and take some deep breaths. "A-are you all-alright," I hear someone whisper. I jump. I spin around and wrap my hand around the person's throat, pinning them up against the wall. "I'm s-sorry p-please let me g-go," stutters the tiny girl, her small trembling hand clawing at mine. She slowly opens her eyes and looks at me with the most unique eyes I've ever seen. I gasp, her eyes are beautiful. Her right eye is bright blue and her left eye is dark green, the color of grass in the summertime. I could stare into her eyes all day.

I just stand there for a minute. I just choked a girl and instead of yelling or being scared she tells me to feel better and gives me a lollipop. This girl is either crazy or a literal angel. My angle.

 I walked into the hospital and got checked in before a nurse showed me to my room. "Ok so you can change into your gown and then someone will be in to check your vitals ok," she says perkily. She slowly undid another button on her shirt and continued to bat her eyelashes. She's been batting her eyelashes and taking any excuse to touch me since she saw me and I was so close to snapping. "Or if you want, I can check your vitals," she says, slowly walking her fingers up my chest. Ok I'm done. "Alright listen, I'm not interested and I don't entertain whores. So get the hell out of my room," I growl. "You're an asshole," she mutters. "Duly noted," I mumbled. She just stomped out of the room I sighed and laid down without putting on the stupid gown.

A few minutes later the door opens again and I hear soft footsteps. I rolled over ready to snap at whoever it is. But my words catch in my throat when I lock eyes with my angle. "Y-your Colton J-James," she stutters. "Yeah, how do you know my name," I ask, sitting up. "Um, we actually g-go to the same school." I stand up and slowly walk toward her. She backs away until her back hits the wall. I place my hands on both sides of her head, caging her in. "So what's your name Angle," I ask? "B-bella Stevenson." "Beautiful," I mumble, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. A bright red blush coats her cheeks, but she drops her head trying to hide from me."No look at me," I say, tilting her chin up. Her beautiful eyes meet mine and I smile but it instantly turns into a frown when I notice the fingerprint shaped bruises on her neck. "I'm so sorry Angle," I say, lightly brushing my fingers against her neck. She gasps and flinches back, pressing herself further into the wall. "No please don't be scared of me, I'm sorry," I plead, cupping her soft cheek and stroking it lightly with my thumb. "I'm not scared of you but this is really i-inappropiate," she whispered. "No it's not, I'm just showing you affection Baby," I whisper. "W-why?" "You'll find out soon enough," I whisper. Then I press a kiss to her cheek and walk back over to my bed.

For a second she just stands there touching her cheek and grinning. She snaps out of it and quickly walks over to my chart. "Ok so you have osteosarcoma, the tumor is in your left leg right?" "Yeah. how do you know how to read that thing," I ask? "Well I wanna be a doctor when I grow up so I'm starting as a nurses assistant. So when's your first chemo treatment?" "Tomorrow," I mutter. "Well listen I know it sucks but-" "Don't say that! You don't know anything! You're probably some prissy little rich girl with the perfect life, so don't even try alright!" Her eyes fill with tears and she drops her head, not wanting me to see her cry. "You know what, you really are a jerk," she whispers, then she turns and runs out of my room.

AN: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment. 

Love you all:) 


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