Chapter 34: A New Life

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Colton's POV:

Early the next morning I shake Bella awake. After Bella fell asleep last night I booked a flight for the four of us and finished packing our bags. I didn't get much sleep but it doesn't matter, I'll sleep better when we're on another continent.

"Bella, wake up honey," I whisper in her ear, pressing kisses behind her ear and down her neck.

Her eyes slowly open and she giggles sleepily. "What time is it Colt," she mumbles?

"It's early. I'm sorry Darling but our flight leaves in a few hours and I thought you'd want time to get ready."

"You booked our flight already? Colton, our bags aren't packed, we're nowhere near ready to leave! I thought we would have a few more days."

"Baby, don't worry I've taken care of everything. Our bags are packed and Maria promised she would ship the rest of your clothes as soon as she can. Now please go get ready because the sooner we leave the sooner we can start our new lives together."

"Ok Colt, thank you," she says, giving me a hug before hopping out of bed and skipping to the bathroom.

I smile and get out of bed. I quickly put on some sweatpants and a sweater. I run my fingers through my hair and slip on my bracelet. After I finished getting ready I sat down on the bed and waited for Bella. Surprisingly a couple of minutes later Bella comes out completely ready in a simple outfit, no make-up, and very low heels. She's wearing a sky blue sweater with clouds all over it, leggings, and brown ankle boots. Her hair is in a fishtail braid and she is wearing a bit of lip gloss.

"Ready to go," I asked?

"Yeah. You should be proud this is the fastest I've ever gotten ready."

"I am very proud. Now come on, let's go grab a quick breakfast before we go."

Bella's POV:

We quickly eat some peanut butter toast for breakfast before heading to the airport with Becky and Jordan. We already talked to them and they were perfectly ok with leaving, especially since Jordan has to get back to work. We quickly go through security and get on our flight. First-class because I want to treat everyone.

"Are you ready to start our lives together Baby," Colton whispers in my ear as we take off?

"Yeah, I'm ready," I whisper back, snuggling my face into his neck

He grins and shifts me so my back is pressed against his chest. He pulls out his laptop and we spend the next hour looking at both our college websites and by the time the wheels touch down in London, we're both ecstatic. We take a cab to Jordan and Becky's and get settled in and then we just spend the rest of the night playing board games together like an old married couple.

A couple of weeks later Colton and I are all settled in and we're curled up in bed together. It's storming outside and the rain is lashing against the windows. You can hear the thunder rumbling loudly. I slip out of bed and take the blanket off the end of the bed, wrapping it around my shoulders. I settled myself on the window seat to watch the storm. I love this weather! I find it really relaxing. I always stay up and watch it, while drinking tea and reading. Colton however is sound asleep, hugging my pillow. I smile softly at him and head downstairs to make myself a cup of tea. When I get back upstairs I open the door as quietly as I possibly can but when I do Colton is sitting up in bed looking around sleepily.

"Baby girl, where'd you go," he mumbles?

"I just went to make myself some tea, Colt. Go back to sleep," I replied softly.

"Come back to bed little one," he whines, reaching his arms out.

"I'm just going to watch the storm Darling. I'm just right over here. Go back to sleep."

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